Thursday, July 25, 2024

Balancing Act.

September 21, 2022 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( We have all become accustomed to the fast paced world we live in, and the constant movement and energy it takes to keep up with it. The kids have extracurricular activities that you are busting your butt to get them to on time, after hours of dealing with delusional co-workers; You still haven’t decided on what meal to prepare for dinner that everyone would enjoy; Laundry still hasn’t been done; your supervisor is demanding you complete a report that’s apparently due by the end of this week, yet he didn’t mention it until right when you were walking out of the office; Oh! And your man requires the same amount of attention your children do!

As women, we tend to feel obligated to give into the world’s desires while abandoning our own. It just seems as if we don’t have enough time in the day to just BREATHE!!! Take a minute to breathe? Most of us don’t even know what catching our breath feels like. What’s problematic about allowing life to consume us, is that we end up losing ourselves. We end up losing our desires, our interests and, most importantly our purpose. Believe me, I know how hard it is to take a minute and just live in the moment! Not for tomorrow. Not for yesterday. Not even for an hour ago, but for THE PRESENT MOMENT.

With heart disease being 1 of the 10 leading causes of death in America, and stress being one of the contributors of heart disease, it is highly advised that, WOMEN, you take care of YOU more often than not!!! Here are some life-balancing tips that have helped me to relieve stress and to find myself in times of feeling lost.

1. Frequently Participate in an Activity That Brings You Happiness. We all know that we release endorphin hormones that allow us to feel gratification and happiness when participating in an activity that makes us feel good. Explore healthy activities that will take your mind off of all the things that need to be done throughout the day. Maybe it is speaking to a friend for at least 10 minutes out of the day that brings you happiness. Perhaps it is reading a book or listening to your favorite genre of music. Maybe it’s singing or dancing. Whatever it is, make sure it has nothing to do with something that NEEDS to get done! Of course, some women like to go shopping, or like to enjoy a spa day with friends. These type of activities don’t necessarily have to be done per day, but at least take one or two days out of the month for seemingly costly activities, but don’t go without partaking in these activities for too long!!!

2. Meditation. Meditation is a calming and tranquil technique that I have most recently adopted. When I meditate, I am focusing on balancing my soul, spirit and mind. I may burn sage, known to clear all negative spirits, as I meditate and I allow my mind to become centered with nature and the universe. When I meditate, I usually envision a natural environment like brooks, and streams of water, a blue sky, aligning myself with primal animals, wild animals that are allowed to roam free, such as I do with my thoughts when I am meditating. I find it important to balance my inner spiritual being so that I maintain an overt balance as well. I listen to calming music on Pandora, I sit on the floor as to become closer to the ground/earth, I cross my legs, rest both my hands on the base of my thighs, palms up so that I am able to feel positive energy being transferred into my spirit. This may be a bizarre or awkward technique for some that may not know much about meditation, but if you are aware that we are not only a spirit but a ball of energy that transfers positive and negative charges, you will understand more closely the benefits of meditation.

Meditation - black woman

3. Eating Healthy & Relying on Herbs to Help with Healing. I’m not sure if it has been scientifically proven but since changing my eating habits, my mind has become a lot clearer. I am able to logically configure my feelings and react in a healthier way than before. While searching for healthy foods to cook, I have also stumbled across home remedies and foods that help heal the body; foods that naturally go against disease such as cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure. I’ve found that raw sage, garlic, onion, greens, sweet-grass, and even peppermint have some amazing natural sources that cures and heals the body and soul. I tell you, taking care of your internal health will automatically assist with reducing stress and allows for the equilibrium to become more balanced. If your mind is cluttered and your body is also with toxins, how would you be able to renew the mind? where would you have room for renewal? It all goes hand-in-hand.

4. Engaging in Physical Activity. Now, I know many of us can’t seem to find the time to exercise or may not have the means to join a gym or hire a trainer, but that’s ok! All it takes is 25 minutes out of your day to engage yourself in physical activity whether it is walking or running a few blocks outside, following a yoga activity on YouTube, doing crunches, squats, or jumping jacks, or lifting free weights in your living room. Any physical activity is better than none. Physical activity rejuvenates, keeps the blood flowing, and boosts your energy amongst other beneficial biological effects.

5. Relax. Take a sage bath or pour some vitamin E body and bath oil into a tub full of bath water to release negative tension and energy. Soak for more than 20 minutes, close your eyes, and try not to think of anything in particular. The one thing that we seldom appreciate is pure silence in a non-distracting atmosphere. I’ve most recently begin smudging my house and myself with sage to get rid of negative energy that often surround us from time-to-time, which has allowed me to experience a peaceful calmness throughout the day.

Ladies, remember, time is of the essence and time dedicated to YOURSELF is essential! We have to be reminded that if we aren’t taking care of ourselves, there is no way that we can take care of business or others effectively.

Staff Writer; Kara Warner

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