Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Meet the Ladies of Alpha Pi Zeta Sorority, Inc.

March 19, 2013 by  
Filed under Education, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( The Cultural Weekly got a chance to meet up with Dee Moore, a fashion designer and business owner in Houston, Texas this past week. The charismatic and always fashionable African American sister informed the paper about her role in Alpha Pi Zeta Sorority, Inc. The plus-sized women’s sorority will be hosting various activities this spring […]

The Traditional Housewife versus The New Modern Housewife.

March 19, 2013 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Relationship Talk, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Last Sunday, I was watching Bravo’s, reality t.v show The Real Housewife of Atlanta, and there was an interesting scene that stood out to me. The women were going to a Las Vegas strip club and one of the ladies refused to go because she said her husband would not approve of her […]

Get a Life and Get Some Love.

Tweet ( You have met the man of your dreams, your soul mate, the Ying to your Yang.  You love spending as much time with him as possible.  You text or call him constantly throughout the day because you feel the need to feel some type of connection at all times.  All is well then […]

Yeah, Why Can’t 40 Just Be 40?

March 18, 2013 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Sista Talk, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( A few years ago I discovered three strands of gray in my hair and I was shocked to say the least.  Me with gray hair no way! Well eventually I got over the initial shock and moved on.  I have come to understand that as long as my hair is not falling out […]

Part 1: What Women Want.

March 15, 2013 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Not since the 1960’s during the second-wave of the Women’s Liberation Movement have we been so completely engrossed in the issues still facing women today.  If you believe the issues of  sexuality, family, the workplace, reproductive rights are a thing of the past, well, think again.  I recently read a piece in Huffington […]

Working At Being Happy!

March 15, 2013 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Sista Talk, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( In my wonderful writing group EW Essentially Woman we were asked a question.  “When was the last time you were in a place of happy?” Of course as always when a subject comes up among the ladies of EW we tend to go into deep discussion, so as expected many of us came […]


Tweet ( Ode to Mothers Although you walk the walk and talk the talk, you still want to be drown in hugs and kisses. Long gone for some of us are the days of changing diapers and silly made up games, but it still feels like it was yesterday. Gone with yesterday are all the […]