Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Top Trends for Black Women in Entrepreneurship.

November 14, 2023 by  
Filed under Business, Money, News, Opinion, Tech/Internet, TS, Weekly Columns

Black women entrepreneurs are making their mark in the business world, driving innovation, and leaving a lasting impact on industries across the globe. Embracing technology, fostering communities, prioritizing social impact, and leveraging personal branding are key trends shaping their entrepreneurial journeys.

We Can’t Wish Away Racism.

November 14, 2023 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, Politics, TS, Weekly Columns

Trying to wish away racism backfires when it shows up in your back yard. Its hard to digest when you, or your children, are in a situation where the racism is so blatant you couldn’t deny it if you try. It’s good to acknowledge progress and pray for a better world but when we are not honest about the current state of society, we set ourselves up to be destroyed by what we refuse to acknowledge. Please understand race relations will not get better by trying to deny the problem. When we lie to self the mental anguish and trauma is multiplied. No one is saying live in fear, nor in a constant state of negativity. However, what I am saying is don’t lie about the state of race relations, hence creating a false mental security. This problem is at the foundation of this country and can’t be simply wished away. We must continue to work towards a better society in truth.