Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Check on Your Strong Friend.

The sisters that stand by us no matter what we face, nor what they are dealing with, are a true blessing to our life. Never allow her to forget how much of a blessing she is to you, her family, and her community.

The Summer Body Craze.

Some of us just want to shed a few pounds, some are bouncing back from injury, others are trying to shed after pregnancy, while others are trying to maintain health during health challenges, and some are just seeking to continue the progress of good health.

You Are Beautifully Imperfect.

You are beautiful regardless if no one ever says it to you and it is their loss to not have taken the time to get to know a great person who is beautifully and imperfectly, you!

Turn Your Business Into A Data-Generating Machine.

Tweet ( Recently there was a story in the news about the fundamental nature of our reality. Physicists are now coming to the belief that the universe isn’t fundamentally “stuff” like atoms and particles, but information – or something intangible. But while the world of physics is being turned on its head, so is the world […]

Push The Button: How Startups Can Become More Automated.

Tweet ( In the 1960s, there was a program on TV called The Jetsons. It was a kind of futuristic, sci-fi romp showcasing the fabulous, futuristic life of a family trapped somewhere in the late 21st century. In the world of the Jetsons, all of a person’s material needs could be accessed with the touch of […]

Men’s Health 101: Small Things You Can Do This Year.

March 26, 2019 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Staying healthy and fit throughout the years of our lives is super important, and many of us really don’t take enough time to sit down and think about how to stay healthy. When it comes to looking after ourselves, men are notoriously worse than women and they can end up going months and years […]

How to Develop a Healthy Morning Routine Habits.

Take your time developing these morning routine habits, don’t rush or pressure yourself to do any of it.  Your mind, body and soul will thank you once you develop these habits daily.  These morning routines will change as your responsibilities in life change and/or once you create new habits.

Three Secrets To Becoming Your Own Boss.

March 25, 2019 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( So many women these days are realising the benefits of becoming their own boss. From cutting out a long commute to being more flexible with hours and locations, having more time to devote to your family and other commitments, being able to give back to your community – or even just the simple joy […]

You Say You Want Peace.

Obtaining peace doesn’t mean everything will be a walk in the park, or that life won’t present challenges. Peace is something you deserve, and it can keep you balanced when everything around you looks to be confusion. However, peace will require your loyalty.

Is Church Your Tradition.

March 25, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Talk, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Our relationship with God is personal, but how we live that out is not. Dare to make church, and spirituality more than merely a Sunday morning routine.

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