Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Community Policing: Is it helpful or does it causes more problems?

June 27, 2019 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

I’d rather see an officer dancing briefly at my summer cookout, knowing that our community is being served and protected also than not having a police officer patrolling the neighborhood and crime rates steadily increasing because of that.  There’s going to be a bad apple in every bunch but that’s no reason to throw away the whole bunch right?  Community policing is an ever evolving system because people change, the officers change and communities change all of the time, but it is a system, worth investing in to bring about change overall.

“When They See Us” is Hard but Necessary.

June 27, 2019 by  
Filed under Ent., News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

However, they kept pushing which is why we are hear today. Living in this country is mentally exhausting and emotionally taxing, but we can’t close our eyes. For the sake of our children we must keep pushing with our eyes wide open. We must keep looking within our stories for ways that we can better protect ourselves, and our children. “When They See Us” is definitely hard to watch, and you might have to watch in parts, but please take the time to watch.

Don’t Unlock the Door to Pain.

You must love yourself more than your cravings. You must love yourself deeply so that the next person to come into your life understands your standard of love. Don’t settle for what once threatened to put your lights out. Focus on what you have, and don’t discount the people in your life that genuinely love you. Allow yourself to live, meet new people of substance, and love in truth. Bury the door to pain.

It’s Time We Had A Serious Conversation About Tech-Enabled Immortality.

June 27, 2019 by  
Filed under Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( If you could go back to the nineteenth century and spend time in intellectual circles, there’s a good chance that you would have gotten into discussions about the prospect of manned flight. The vast majority of intellectuals at the time accepted that obvious truth that humans would never fly, and that is was […]

Safe Driving Begins Before You Even Hit The Road.

June 27, 2019 by  
Filed under Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( You might think that road accidents all have to do with how you behave on the road and what driving habits you have. This is, to a degree, true. However, some of the most dangerous elements of driving are determined long before you leave your driveway. Here are some ways to ensure that […]

Take the Day Off.

You owe it to yourself to have a time where you can tend to your self-care, and no one is a priority at that time but you. Taking this time is great for your overall wellness, and its good for those in your life. Allow others to pick up the slack for a change. You will find they are more capable than you realize. You will be so glad you took a day off, and to yourself…don’t cheat you.

Have You Thought About These Business Improvements?

June 25, 2019 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( There are lots of different and effective ways to take your business to the next level. Here are some options worth thinking about… Revamp your brand’s print and packaging materials Graphic design companies provide services that are of extreme value to any business. After all, it is imperative to market yourself successfully if […]

Its Sad Abortion Isn’t About Babies.

We must continue to raise our voice against this lack of regard for the life of a woman, and a child for that matter. Just as there are women standing against us it is very important to remember every man is not the enemy. We must gather with those that believe we, as women, have the right to choose motherhood, and decide if we want to risk our life for it. A woman’s body should not be a pawn in a political game, nor the game of furthering the white race.

Respect Your Sexual Limits.

Ones sexual freedom isn’t something to be taken lightly. If you are uncomfortable in a situation respect that moment, yourself, and demand said respect in return. Having limitations doesn’t make you horrible sexual partner…your limits are just as much apart of you as the areas whereby you are adventurous.

Trending Topic: Cassie is Pregnant by Her New Beaux.

June 24, 2019 by  
Filed under Ent., News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Whether you agree or disagree with the above tweets or my personal opinions, let’s all agree to celebrate love between two people and the love that they will pour even further as they bring another life into this world.  Diddy and Cassie are both happy in their lives, living separately and enjoying love for other people in their lives separately and that’s the happiness that we all should seek in our lives daily.

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