Gaming Fixed My Failure Anxiety.
Gaming has its benefits. It helped me work through my fear of failure…it can still be a challenge, but I can et through it.
He Needs to Get His Own Gaming Account.
The chemistry goes to trash quickly when you are playing with a high leveled player that you’ve been playing with for some time, or so you thought, and all of a sudden, they are playing as a complete stranger.
Exercise Smart, Exercise Fun.
July 13, 2020 by ThySista
Filed under Health & Wellness, Opinion, Sports, Weekly Columns
Tweet ( We all know we should exercise, right? It’s been drummed into us for years, and everyone knows why it’s important to stay fit. Exercising won’t just help you lose weight, it will keep your body working and improve your general health, lifespan, and quality of life. Except… it isn’t that simple. There are […]
Correction Doesn’t Equal Hatred.
March 17, 2020 by ThySista
Filed under News, Opinion, Sports, Weekly Columns
There is a whole generation of youth watching our interactions and they are being taught how to govern themselves by our actions. When we can’t take correction, we are creating a generation that will behave in the same manner. Disrespect is never acceptable. It isn’t acceptable when a woman (or man) is called out of their name; it is not acceptable when the wrong party tries to shun responsibility and cry hatred. All disrespect is wrong…not just the version that applies to you.
Don’t Tell Me When to Cry.
March 7, 2020 by ThySista
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, Sports, Weekly Columns
I will take a stand for my own emotional space. No one will make me feel ashamed for grieving the loss of life no matter how it hits me. There will be no explanations given about why someone impacted my life enough to bring my day (or week) to a screeching halt for grieves sake. Kobe Bryant has transitioned, and I won’t be getting over it quickly. I’m hurting inside, many people are hurting inside, and there is nothing to be ashamed about.
Long Live the Mamba Mentality.
February 21, 2020 by ThySista
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, Sports, Weekly Columns
If doesn’t matter where you come from, your race, gender, religion, or anything else…the mentality is yours for the taking. If Kobe Bryant had an effect on your life in any way…allow one of his greatest assets to become your teacher. Never see your dream as something you don’t deserve or can’t attain. We should all rise up from the depths of our grief knowing that Bryant left us something that can’t be taken away once we choose to grasp such. Many of us have been inspired “not to waste another year of your life”. Long live the #MambaMentality.
Why We Mourn Kobe Bryant.
February 7, 2020 by ThySista
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, Sports, Weekly Columns
We mourn because we didn’t get to see this man evolve into the next stage of greatness he was set to purse. When we look at him we can think of all the people, and children, we loss too soon. What they would have become is now a part of our imagination, and it hurts. Kobe Bryant is greatness personified…but he was far from finished, and his loss will be felt for a long time.
Lessons & Basketball.
August 5, 2019 by ThySista
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, Sports, Weekly Columns
I am grateful for the experiences scorekeeping have granted me. These athletes have way more drive than I will ever have physically. They also possess a great ability to deal with life beyond the court. Thanks to them I have learned more about life and how to handle destructive situations.
Encourage the Education.
When our children look back, they will be able to see that mom, and dad, played a vital role in their love of learning, their academic prowess, and it is something they will pass on to their children. There is nothing wrong with the many different career options our children may desire, including sports, however we want them to be able to go in whatever direction they choose because their mind can get them there.
Great Ways to Get Girls into Sports.
December 4, 2018 by ThySista
Filed under Opinion, Sports, Weekly Columns
Tweet ( Generally, there are far fewer girls that play sports than boys and this carries on into later life. It seems that girls have a much tougher time with sports when they are at school, as often this is the chance for those that are not so good at it to have fun made of […]