Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Healing Isn’t Magic.

Though your family sounds redundant they are trying to appeal to the need for you to take an active part in your healing. If you shut them out or continue to live in non-compliance, they may become desensitized to preserve their own emotional state. The same bible that speaks of healing is the same bible the requires your having a part to play. You can’t just think and pray your way out of sickness.

We Watch More Than Drama.

July 29, 2019 by  
Filed under Ent., News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Because we engage in so many different forms of screen time how we engage at home, at work, and outside of such can vary drastically. If you aren’t down to watch the next round of black women fight, and degrade each other it’s okay to try something new, or boldly continue watching the things that make you different, but just as much a black woman as the next.

Dating in Your 40’s.

Dating in your 40’s may be a challenge but I have to believe that it’s possible to do and can be enjoyable with someone who you are equally yoked with. 

Challenges Gone Wild and Stupid.

July 26, 2019 by  
Filed under Ent., News, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

Playing games and experiencing challenges is expected in life.  It should happen.  Games should entertain. Challenges should improve.  That is not exactly the case with these social media challenges that focus more on the “dare” than “truth”.  Do not let these events on social media distract you from what is happening to those in our society that could eventually affect us.  Dares are no fun when society pays a negative price.

How To Get Your Kids More Enthusiastic About Learning.

July 25, 2019 by  
Filed under Education, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Knowledge is a tremendous gift. It’s something that every single human being on the planet wants and needs. If we didn’t have much of it, we wouldn’t be able to function anywhere near as well as we’d like. We’d also like to have all of the brainpower in the world because, with vast […]

Self-care Changes with Motherhood.

Motherhood is a beautiful thing, but it demands that you take care of yourself, or you will find yourself drained beyond reason. The care you will need will have to accommodate this new space you are in so don’t be afraid to try new ideas on self-care. Mom’s please share with us different methods of self-care that have helped you relax and rejuvenate.

Your Parents Possibly Shapes Who You Date/Marry.

No matter who your parents are/were in your life, you still deserve to be happy and you most definitely deserved to be loved.  Take a hard look at your parent’s characteristics and see if you are dating or married to someone who is very similar to them.

5 Great Summer Salads.

As you can see I love adding Italian dressing to most of my salads.  You can eat this salad as a side dish with any meal or as toppings just as I mentioned above. You can add spices or slices of jalapenos to this salad if you want to eat it as a topping.

So You Want To Open A Store?

July 24, 2019 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( So you’ve always wanted to run your own store? You’re going to need a really good idea, some great products and a tremendous amount of energy and willingness to get the job done. Retail is a tough business to get into, and there is competition in every niche. Finding your gap in the […]

5 Types of Accidents That Are Most Common in Workplaces.

Tweet ( According to the Borough of Labor Statistics, there were 2.8 million nonfatal work injuries or illnesses reported by private industry employees in 2018. The unfortunate truth of that statistic is a lot of those injuries and illnesses could have been avoided with proper training and workplace precautions. But oftentimes, employers and employees don’t prioritize safety […]

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