Tuesday, July 23, 2024

We Can’t Wish Away Racism.

November 14, 2023 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, Politics, TS, Weekly Columns

Trying to wish away racism backfires when it shows up in your back yard. Its hard to digest when you, or your children, are in a situation where the racism is so blatant you couldn’t deny it if you try. It’s good to acknowledge progress and pray for a better world but when we are not honest about the current state of society, we set ourselves up to be destroyed by what we refuse to acknowledge. Please understand race relations will not get better by trying to deny the problem. When we lie to self the mental anguish and trauma is multiplied. No one is saying live in fear, nor in a constant state of negativity. However, what I am saying is don’t lie about the state of race relations, hence creating a false mental security. This problem is at the foundation of this country and can’t be simply wished away. We must continue to work towards a better society in truth.

Book Review: Ida B. Wells-Barnett Still Speaks: Mob Rule In New Orleans.

Being a Native New Orleanian I admit this book was a difficult read. There is no sugar coating the hatred, violence, and terror. The sheer inhumanity is blatant to the reader. Though I remember hearing stories about a time that mob rule took over the streets of New Orleans, this book tells the stories and gives a name to victims. The horror came to life on the page. These were human beings going about their life, some were driving back into town, some headed to work, others visiting from out of town, but they were all spotted, hunted, and attacked for no other reason than they were Black.

Finding Life Amidst Death.

Yes, racism and an obsession with gun violence, amongst many other things, is built into the DNA of America. We must accept this truth or there is absolutely no way that we’ll be able to enact real change.

Children Should Attention Current Events.

This is where you teach the difference between entertainment and opinion sources, verses reputable news sources, and why this matters. You are able to impart wisdom and explain various nuances that they won’t get in a classroom.

America and Her Black Panthers: A Rebuttal.

November 2, 2021 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Politics, Weekly Columns

I can swallow my pride and hope that Black service members are one day valued and appreciated for being freedom defenders just as their counterparts.

The Illusion of Choice Impact on People of Color.

Choice looks amazing when you feel like who you are is facing constriction and constraint.

Unemployment is a Harsh Catch-22.

June 20, 2021 by  
Filed under Business, Money, News, Opinion, Politics, Weekly Columns

Some Republican led states are cutting the federal unemployment supplements that are helping keep many families afloat.

Facilitate Your Child’s Academic Progress.

June 18, 2021 by  
Filed under Education, News, Opinion, Politics, Weekly Columns

It will also help improve behavior at school, if necessary, in part because your child knows you are paying attention to their academic progress, etc.

Women Who Made a Difference in World History.

April 20, 2021 by  
Filed under Education, News, Opinion, Politics, Weekly Columns

We may not have highlighted, but there are also a lot of women who made a difference in the world. In this column, we will highlight a few women who created a positive impact in history:

Your Mama Came Up Here? White privilege and Jail.

March 23, 2021 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Politics, Weekly Columns

It was the story of Jacob Chansley.

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