Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Must Have Travel Recipes When on the Road.

Tweet (ThySistas.com) Traveling has its perquisites. Whether it’s camping, checking out cabins or going on bushwalks, the action is almost always in plenty. With all the energy that’s spent during the expeditions, it’s always recommended to have a healthy meal prepped ready to be on the roll. In the last year and a half, we’ve hosted […]

Chef Sunny Anderson, One of Food Network’s Brightest Stars.

January 18, 2013 by  
Filed under Cooking/Recipes, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet (ThySistas.com) Today there are a hosts of cooking shows on television. Years ago there were only men chefs on our TV screens. There were seldom any women and defiantly not many African-Americans.  Today there are a more faces that look like us across television networks. One of the freshest faces is that of Chef […]