Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Ungrateful Spirits Destroy Families.

Let’s stop giving strangers, and setting ourselves up for hurt, the love and roses that our family earned. Yes, there are those that have terrible family dynamics, but that doesn’t apply to everyone. Furthermore, your stance on gratitude is a question if your character, not that of someone else.  

Leave Russell Wilson & Ciara Alone.

The couple that comes to mind is Russell Wilson and Ciara. Seriously, the hates need to leave these people alone. This couple appears to be doing right by each other and their children.

Music is a Part of New Orleans.

June 21, 2022 by  
Filed under Education, Ent., Music, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

New Orleans is not the city you moved from with a bit of extra fun. It is its own space with a unique culture and Spirit…if it changed in this aspect, it would no longer be New Orleans and that is simply unacceptable.

How to Have the Best Honeymoon with Your Loved One.

After you’ve sorted out all the logistics of your trip, it’s time to start packing! When packing for your honeymoon, be sure to pack items that are both functional and stylish.

Marriage Can Bless or Destroy a Woman.

. Some wives began to turn themselves into what is deemed a “respectable” wife, and this usually involves silence and doing what one is told. Expertise and intelligence are only useful when it benefits or defends the family. This can destroy a woman at her core.

Don’t Call Me Sistah.

Sometimes you get to a place in life where the title of sistah must be taken off the table. No one is perfect; we all make mistakes. Relationships have their moments, and sisterhood is no different.

Digital Detox: 5 Tips for Enjoying a Truly Refreshing Break from Screens.

It’s far harder to avoid your usual digital fixes if you’re in the same environment you always enjoy them in. Going for your usual morning run without your iPhone pumping tunes may feel like a chore. Preparing lunch with no YouTube video to keep you company may feel lonely. 

Prevent Sports Injuries: 6 Tips for Athletes.

Are you always injured during games or training? Afraid that such injuries will put a stop to playing sports or having a professional sports career in the future? Learn how to prevent sports injuries here.