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Finding Togetherness In A Modern Relationship.

March 22, 2019 by  
Filed under Opinion, Relationship Talk, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comYou don’t notice how far relationships have traveled until you find yourself binge-watching some of your favorite classics. The charming Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Disney depicts a somewhat traditional gender role lifestyle where the dwarves work, and Snow White is left at home to clean and cook before she is eventually rescued… by a man.

Modern-day girls are miles away from the ladies of the classics. And, as a result, their perfect relationship will never mimic the one from the movies – and it’s a happy thing! But, when you’ve grown up on the image of romance and couples from the media, you need to know how to adapt your behavior and expectations to give today’s love a chance.  If you found your dream partner through luck or from a sign like twin flame numbers showing up everywhere, it’s important you work hard to make the relationship healthy.

#1. Roles in the household are changing

First of all, the most important comment refers to gender roles in the household. More and more women have embraced a successful professional career, and in many cases, you might find that you earn more than your darling. First of all, while it’s not a competition. But you need to make sure that money matters don’t become an issue between you. You will more likely be paying more on bills than your partner, but at the same time, you need to let them also contribute – proportionally to their income.

#2. Find new activities to share

When two people meet, they need to make room for joint activities in their busy schedule. You might already have some hobbies of your own, from yoga classes to a girls’ night out. So does your partner. But maintaining togetherness in a relationship goes beyond respecting each other’s interests. It’s also about finding common ground – aka a hobby – you can share. Why not take a new activity such as golfing, for instance? You can find affordable equipment online – – and it’s a great way to spend more time outdoors. Besides, golfing gives you plenty of time to talk and relax.

#3. Laugh more often

Life is stressful. Whether you’re struggling with a tight deadline at work or you feel drained by a long commute, stress can get in the way of your communication with your partner. You might find yourself arguing over little things for no reason, or growing cold and distant. Instead, you need to help your brain to override negative thoughts. How so? By laughing together, as per Did you know that people who laugh together tend to stay together? It’s because laughing makes you feel close to your partner again. It erases your tensions and lets you engage art a deeper and more meaningful level.

#4. Don’t publish in anger

Who says modern life says social media. While it might be tempting sometimes to vent on Facebook about something he said or did, refrain from exposing your relationship online for the sake of cyber likes. You want to deal with issues or thoughts privately instead of complaining about your partner in front of others. This behavior can only harm your relationship and damage the trust your partner has put in you.

Nurturing togetherness can be challenging, especially in modern relationships where the gender roles have evolved dramatically. You’re not the submissive women of the old movies! But by accepting and embracing modern ways, you also need to take the responsibilities that come along, from managing earnings to using digital communication effectively.

Staff Writer; Shelia Barker


One Response to “Finding Togetherness In A Modern Relationship.”
  1. David Shanley says:

    Great tips! All romantic relationships go through ups and downs and they all take work, commitment, and a willingness to adapt and change with your partner.

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