Rollow Follow; White Women Do It Too!!
November 18, 2014 by ThySista
Filed under News, Opinion, Sista Talk, Weekly Columns
Tweet ( There once was a time when you could only go to White Women for certain “ lewd acts or services ” and they were known for certain behavior. Now, as Black Women, we are willing to prove that we are JUST as filthy as White Women. One of the most regurgitated responses I […]
My Personal Meditation Experience.
November 18, 2014 by ThySista
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns
Tweet ( I remember my first meditation experience happening around 1996 or 1997. A gentleman who was a friend of a friend was offering a class on meditation. Prior to then I knew nothing about meditation, but I paid my $25 and I took the class anyway. Since the class was geared towards beginners there […]
3 Fitness Goals You Can Reach Today!
November 7, 2014 by ThySista
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns
Tweet ( It is common for people to choose fitness and wellness goals that are difficult to attain, which can often be discouraging. Here are some ways that you can improve the quality of your life almost immediately! See if any of these goals seem fun to try: 1. Enjoy Your Food More– Even if […]
Tips for the Un and Under-Employed.
November 5, 2014 by ThySista
Filed under News, Opinion, Weekly Columns
Tweet ( Unless one is joyfully retired or independently wealthy, being under or un-employed can be hugely stressful. Most of us find it difficult to feel “productive” without enough structure to our day and contact with like-minded people. Plus, just the passage of each day can be a source of tension since rent, utilities, and […]