Wednesday, July 24, 2024

3 Ways to Drop a Few Pounds.

Tweet ( Most people want to lose weight, sadly few people want to change their lifestyle and the way the eat. We live in a microwave society where everyone wants quick results. We spend hundreds on diet pills, diet drinks, and garments to suck in our waist. We flood into the gym every January and February […]

Playing the Victim is Selfish.

Tweet ( In this life on thing is certain…we all experience pain. The depths of pain may vary for each person, but that menace is ever present. At some point, many of us will fall victim to some degree of sorrow that is beyond our control. It is very important to understand that the space called […]

Put It to the Test: Develop Your Interest in Science.

July 28, 2017 by  
Filed under Education, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Science is a framework that we use to understand how the word works. It helps us discover more about history, learn about the stars and planets, and develop treatments for diseases. While there are many women in the field of medicine, other STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) skew toward the male […]

4 Health Problems African-American Women Face.

Tweet ( Being a African-American women in today’s society definitely comes with its share of struggles but let me begin by saying I would not change the essence of who we are as magical black women for anything. Still, it is unfortunate that black women are plagued disproportionately with higher incidences or mortality rates for various […]

Love Yourself First.

Tweet ( At some point, we have been broken, and our hearts were damaged beyond repair… or so we thought. How could the one person you loved deeply break you so bad? How could you possibly move on when your world revolved about that person? Your feelings were hurt, and you could feel your heart breaking […]

To Know My Sister is to Respect Her Strength.

Tweet ( It is very unfortunate that many of us have elders, sisters, and friends that we truly do not know. What we know of these women is surface knowledge at best. Time nor blood relation can teach us the women we walk among. When interacting with women it can be difficult as all want to […]

What The Hell Is Hell Week?

July 25, 2017 by  
Filed under Education, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Good question. Hell week will be a complete mystery to anyone who never went to college or university. But, for previous students, the very mention of those two words will bring back memories that make their entire bodies shiver. Hell week, is a way that lecturers and course runners separate the best from the […]

Is Your Car Prepared for Your Newborn?

July 24, 2017 by  
Filed under Education, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Being a new parent is exciting, amazing, and truly wonderful. But it’s also an exercise in how not to hurt a tiny person that’s been fully entrusted to your care. It doesn’t help that people in your life likely only want to chat about the mistakes new parents make on both big and small […]

Making Further Education Exciting, Not Strenuous.

July 24, 2017 by  
Filed under Education, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Something that many adults often think about, is further education. Further education can fill people with dread. It’s a big change, and a part time job may be needed, extra care for children, and more. What if you’re the oldest one in the class? What if you just don’t understand the course material? All […]

Relationship Talk: Surviving The Ups & Downs Of Moving In Together.

Tweet ( There comes a point in a relationship where you’re both ready for the next step. You have been seeing one another for awhile. Everything is going well. The feelings of love have intensified. You realize you’re spending more time at one another’s homes. It’s pretty clear that you’re both ready for the next phase […]

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