Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Are We Teaching Our Children.

They experience us apologizing to them if we get it wrong because we are not perfect. They will be able to recall us telling them about the reality of the world they live in…they might hate to hear us repeat ourselves, but the wisdom will come back to them when they face life challenges. If we want out children to have a better chance at life and living successfully we must roll our sleeves up and parent, and support each other in the effort to parent our children individually and as a community.

Sometimes You Are Wrong.

Well, sista sometimes the person doing all the above mentioned could be you, and if it is please admit when you are wrong. Give the same resolutions you expect. There is a running joke amongst men that women never admit when they are wrong. While I disagree with never, I know there are those of us that do not, and it’s a problem. You are not the only person in your relationship with feelings. Furthermore, let’s run from hypocrisy. Often times what hurts our partner more than the situation, is our inability to simply apologize when we make an error. No one is asking you for perfection. They are asking you for the same respect you demand. Sometimes you are wrong, and it’s okay, you’re human remember.

The Price of Standing Still.

I will never tell you going from a state of standing still to moving is easy. Once you are in motion and it becomes what you do yes it gets easier. However, the initial steps can be difficult, and there can be some fear involved. No one is telling you to go from still to sprinting. Take your time and start somewhere….one step at a time until you are walking and then finding your pace. Regain your life back by putting it in a positive forward motion. The steps you take now can be the difference between you living the life you deserve, and merely existing. The choice is yours.

Love is Liberating.

. I’m in no way saying run back to those that hurt and abuse you. However, I am saying building a wall that would keep out the village will love, support, encourage, uplift, and value you is suicide. As I preciously stated, we are not built to be alone…so let’s not use that as a mask to cover healing of pain and grief that needs to happen to move forward with the life you deserve. Remember love is something you deserve…and it’s how you stay free.

When Peace is Jeopardized Order Maintains.

Yes, this can extend to our ability to be present for others, but the first issue caused is the struggle to be present for self. When it is hanging by a thread order & routine have been a life saver. It does require a bit of self-push, but the benefits of instituting an order that works for you can help with positive mental health until peace is restored to a place that is comfortable for you.

We Must Train Our Children.

We are all learning and navigating the journey of parenthood as best we can [no judgment] but being Black in this country means we do not have the same amount of time, and our kids don’t have the same amount of grace nor space to be kids and make mistakes. We must prepare them with a sense of urgency like their life depends on it…because it does. Our children’s ability to survive and thrive starts with our ability to pour in love, train them, and place them in an environment with a village that will reinforce said training. Together we can save our children and community…but it required that we train our children on par with how much we love them.

Womanhood is More Than a Feeling.

This is not a position of fear nor hate. It’s more so, all feelings and experiences need to be respected. You can’t strong arm a position and define others while demanding a self-defining space. When a biological woman says don’t call me cis-gendered…respect that as much as you want pronouns respected. She has the right to define herself. The biggest issue on the table is, if all don’t agree in silence they are branded as haters and told they have a phobia.

Essential Health Tips for Black Women Managing Iron Deficiencies.

March 20, 2024 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, TS, Weekly Columns

Addressing iron deficiencies in Black women requires a multifaceted approach that combines dietary adjustments, supplementation when necessary, and a commitment to overall well-being.

Tearing That Woman Down Won’t Help.

If we want to see progress amongst our people, our children…our community we as the women of said community have to learn how to deal with one another in love. Where there is no love there must be respect for self and principle. How we engage with one another is a reflection of the respect we have for self just as much as the woman in front of us. We already know we face adversity and harsh treatment outside of the community. Many of us have been allowed to harbor ill feelings and ones of mistrust against our own as a result of trauma, unresolved conflict, and being caught in the web of another sista’s trauma. At some point we must come together and rise in unity and respect if we are to ever thrive as a whole.

We Can’t Wish Away Racism.

November 14, 2023 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, Politics, TS, Weekly Columns

Trying to wish away racism backfires when it shows up in your back yard. Its hard to digest when you, or your children, are in a situation where the racism is so blatant you couldn’t deny it if you try. It’s good to acknowledge progress and pray for a better world but when we are not honest about the current state of society, we set ourselves up to be destroyed by what we refuse to acknowledge. Please understand race relations will not get better by trying to deny the problem. When we lie to self the mental anguish and trauma is multiplied. No one is saying live in fear, nor in a constant state of negativity. However, what I am saying is don’t lie about the state of race relations, hence creating a false mental security. This problem is at the foundation of this country and can’t be simply wished away. We must continue to work towards a better society in truth.

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