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Are You Spending Too Much On Your Car?

June 15, 2020 by  
Filed under Business, Money, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( Your car is going to be one of the biggest expenses in your lifetime. It’s a big upfront cost, and it’s a long term running cost you’ll have to cope with too, and who knows when your old vehicle is going to pack up and force you to invest in a new one? But most of all, your car can be overly expensive, and you can spend a little too much money on it over the course of your lifetime. 

So, it’s time to work out whether or not you’re spending too much on your car. Where could you cut back? And what could you do to shave off some of the pounds you’d much rather be keeping in the bank? 

How Often Do You Clean Your Car?

If you don’t clean your car yourself, or you don’t clean it very often, it’s time to change the habit. Because when you clean your car regularly, you get to know your vehicle, and you can get a heads up on potential issues. 

You can keep an eye out for punctured tires or uneven tire pressure, you can keep an eye out for dents in the body, and you can check underneath the car for damages as well.

How Much Does it Cost to Service and Repair?

Your car may be costing you a little too much when it comes to taking it to a mechanic. After all, every single mechanic’s workshop has their own prices list, and finding the right mechanic for your budget is a necessary part of running your car well. 

However, what kind of general price should you be looking out for? And are you being treated fairly by the professional who’s servicing or repairing your vehicle? Be sure to check the current averages

Indeed, some kinds of cars can even be taken to specialised repair services, where you can be sure of the quality of work you’re getting, and if the price is worth it. Diesel Repair Services, for example, might be worth looking into if you own a diesel car; even when a repair shop like this isn’t exactly local, it might be worth your time to go a little further afield. 

How Much Do You Spend on Fuel?

The fuel economy of your car needs to be taken into account as well. Of course, the more mileage you can get per gallon of gas, the better! So, if you’re about to buy a new car, or you want to swap out your current one, be sure to take this into account when shopping for a new car, or thinking about your current vehicle – how much could you save on gas prices every year? And could you save thousands by using your car only in certain places, like the inner city? 

Spending too much on your car could be seriously denting your budget. Be sure to go through the points above and apply them to your own day to day car usage.

Staff Writer; Mary Jackson

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