Thursday, July 25, 2024

Music Keep Us Sane.

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( Willie Morgan, Jr. had no idea the Pandora’s Box he opened when he first introduced me to a group called Chicago.  I listened to their song “Color My World” one time, and I was hooked.  That song has helped me survive numerous break ups, long college nights of studying, and the tribulations of marriage.  From then, music has been a savior.

Fortunately, I am not the only one retreating to the world of notes and melodies in a time of crisis. DJ battles on Instagram Live.  Erykah Badu concerts.  Spotify playlists created by cities.  All music.  While we may not be able to depend on government, society, or media, the one place we can go to find sanity in the midst of chaos is to notes formulated by patterns and beats into melodic tones and rhythm. What makes this art form crucial to our current situation?  I took the time ask people for their reasons.

For some, it is a constant form of connection to others:  “It’s my constant refuge….Plus my garage DJ set on Facebook was cathartic. The virtual contact and sharing did my spirit good.”  Attorney Carlos Prudhomme expressed. Music is something that has the ability to connect people in a way that is not hinder by a virus or pandemic.  We all find joy in knowing there is a song that we love, and others love too.

Music is also a way for some of us to stay stable in turbulent times: “I have to say music has played a notable role during this time. From gospel music waking me to wide of variety of songs that help through service. Heck, I even made a playlist that describes my shift.” Culinary Artist Brandon Anthony explained. We take time to cultivate playlist and albums that help us make it through the good, the bad, and the ugly. Business manager, Jeremy Neal, shared similar sentiments: “…For me, music is the equivalent of aromatherapy. Allows me to mellow out and helps me think through things as this pandemic continues…”  We may not be able to see professional therapists physically, but we are finding a way to mentally stay at peace.

Work has been easier at home when there is music to glide people from hour to hour of sitting stationary to stay safe. “I listen to music all the time. It was my therapy to get through the work day.” Insurance Adjuster Ebonee Coutee explained.  Sometimes, we are not going to work with the best attitude, and music allows us a chance to calm the storm before dealing with others.  Britainee Johnson, a Pharmacy Assistant, and deals with families every day during this pandemic, and music has helped a lot:  Music helps me regardless. I listen to music every day at work. How I am feeling determines the music I play, but it definitely helps me get through the day.”

It does not matter the style, the lyrics, or the rhythm.  Music for us is music that is timeless. It is soothing.  It is a place of sanity in the midst of media frenzies, toilet paper wipe outs, and stupidity running rampant. It is our peace.

Staff Writer; J. W. Bella

May also follow this talented sister online over at; JWB Writes.

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