Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Benefits of Tech for Your Kids.

September 3, 2019 by  
Filed under Education, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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( Nowadays, the majority of people are spending increasing amounts of time online. This isn’t all too surprising. The web gives you easy access to pretty much anything you could possibly need to know. You can find recipes. You can find out facts and figures. You can find out when the next bank holiday is. You can keep up with the news. It’s also a great means of keeping in touch with loved ones and friends thanks to social media. However, when we talk about kids and the internet, many people’s tone changes. So many of us think that we need to keep our kids off the web and focus their attention on exercise and other more active pursuits. But tech and the internet can be a great resource for your little ones.

Add Parental Controls

First things first, it’s extremely important you implement parental controls on any laptop, tablet, smartphone or other internet-connected device your children might use. The web can be a dark place at times, but this is a simple way to prevent any inappropriate or unpleasant content popping up.

Online Learning

The internet has a wealth of knowledge. If your little one is focusing on something at school or interested in a certain subject, take the time to look it up online with them. You can find all sorts on the solar system, Ancient Egyptians, Roman and Greek Mythology and pretty much anything else your little ones might want to know more about.


There isn’t any problem with pure entertainment in relative doses. Not everything has to be educational. Sometimes kids just want to be kids and want to watch a show they simply find fun or play a game for the sake of it. The web is full of this kind of content, ranging from Youtube videos of cartoons to online kids games!

Keep Things Up and Running

Of course, you’re going to want to keep things up and running while your kids are learning. You don’t want things to break down part way through their session. So, make sure to make use of Project-Based Services who can rectify any problems that may establish themselves with your IT.

Monitor Time

Of course, you can have too much of a good thing. So monitor the amount of time your children spend online. It’s not ideal to sit them in front of a device and leave them for extended periods of time. They should still be playing outside, engaging with arts and crafts, and pursuing a wide range of other activities as well!

As you can see, the web isn’t all bad for kids. In fact, it has a huge amount of positive potential! So, make sure to incorporate it into their life in some way or another. Hopefully, the above advice will help you to achieve this as successfully as possible!

Staff Writer; Natasha Wall

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