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“Innocent until proven guilty” – Fraud Accusations.

June 7, 2019 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( “Innocent until proven guilty” is a phrase frequently associated with the judicial system. However, the problem is that despite the ‘guilty’ tag not being stamped on the individual in question, the knock-on effects and whispers commence no matter what. Someone being merely suspected of a crime results in people judging them and looking at them in a bad light. And even if the person proves to be innocent in the end, the tarnished reputation often still stands.

This very much applies to businesses as well. Too many companies are wrongly accused of fraud allegations. After the lengthy judicial process, they may well be proven innocent in the end, but the company’s reputation can be left in tatters. Suspicion leads to a massive lack of trust and the negative publicity can see businesses suffer immensely. After all, all it takes is one news story to break about your business, and this makes it really difficult to come back from. Plus, that is without mentioning the financial expenses that are associated with this. Not only are you going to have to spend money on hiring the best legal team to fight your corner, but you will need to spend a lot of money on repairing your reputation too, even though you have not done anything wrong. It can all seem very unfair to say the least.

If a business is being wrongfully accused of fraud then the need to find the best solicitor is heightened dramatically. Fraud is an extremely serious allegation. In order to win the case, you need to benefit from the very best. However, searching for fraud solicitors specifically requires mass analysis because you will need to find someone who can close your case successfully and as soon as possible. After all, you need to find a solicitor who can ensure this allegation does not destroy your business or your livelihood. This means the pressure placed on this decision is immense in comparison to finding other types of solicitors. You may think fraud specialist solicitors all fall into one category. They don’t. Companies like specialize in helping fraud whistleblowers, and there are then those that help people fighting fraud cases, amongst other specialist areas.

When searching for fraud solicitors you need to find a company that expert in the defence of clients specifically. By doing this you can be certain that the solicitor deals with clients similar to you all of the time. They will be trained in the area of wrongful accusations rather than having a general knowledge of business fraud. Their specific area of focus ensures that you get the very best help.

You also need to make sure that the fraud solicitor you go for is experienced. It is inadvisable to go for a company with less than ten years of experience. This is an industry that cannot be taken lightly after all. You need to be safe in the knowledge that your solicitor not only has all of the qualifications but they have practiced their profession for many years. By doing this you are in the hands of someone a lot more secure.

As mentioned earlier, you need to make sure that the company is concerned with keeping your reputation intact. You may prove to be innocent, but if you have gone through a very long and public process then your business’s name could be trampled on. Swift resolution of any problems is essential.

In addition to this, make sure the solicitor is well recognized in the industry. They should be credited as one of the leading solicitor companies for false fraud claims in the whole of the country – not just your area. You should also read feedback left by other clients in order to guarantee their reputation is as sparkly as their recognition. Be certain the company is a leading one before you place the future of your business in their hands.

When it comes to being falsely accused of fraud you need to tread carefully. Fraud is a serious allegation and can completely wreck your reputation. Finding the best fraud solicitors is the only way to ensure you are proven innocent and your company doesn’t get dragged through the muck.

Staff Writer; Shawna Moore

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