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Thorough is a Threat.

June 29, 2017 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Politics, Weekly Columns

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( Senator Kamala Harris, a former prosecutor, has emerged as our real life super woman. As a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee Senator Harris has been deemed both rude and hysterical for her style of questioning. She is tough, relentless, through and questions like a former prosecutor…one would think she would be praised for these attributes. The truth is if she were a male she would not have been interrupted, and though Jeff Sessions seemed to suffer from a severe memory loss other members of congress would not have come to his aid. Senator Harris has had her questioning interrupted at least twice during the hearings, and this brings us back to Senator Elizabeth Warren being silence on the senate floor while speaking against the nomination of Jeff Sessions.

The truth is rather apparent…women ought not challenge men nor the establishment regardless of their credentials. Yes, I know it seems like a defend the women perspective. It’s actually a let’s defend the principle of being thorough, and professional position. It is very unfortunate that Kamala Harris is deemed by her white male colleagues as emotionally out of control. That is the very nature of what it means to be hysterical, and it is a serious insult. The biggest disappointment regarding Senator Harris is that her democrat colleagues have not been supportive enough as she actually does her job.

This is not just the case for Senator Harris nor Senator Warren…. women in corporate settings find that being thorough and professional is a threat to their male counterpart. It doesn’t matter the tone nor method of presentation some women are not seen as competent when they perform their job to the same efficiency, and passion as a man. In the Unites States Senate women were silenced because the person in question was a white male whose standing must be protected always. One of the men that moved to protect Jeff Sessions from the questioning of Senator Harris was Senator John McCain.

The same John McCain that can speak so freely against the current administration, and continually states that changes need to be made. However, he had a hand in assisting in the attempt to silence Senator Harris as she questions Jeff Sessions. I’m sure many would be nervous if questioned by a Senate Intelligence Committee, but why should the nervousness of Jeff Sessions matter? It matters because a white male felt that the questioning of this woman, and black woman at that, was beneath him. He should not have to yield to this woman…and the fact that she would not back down would make him nervous.

We hope the women that serve this country will continue to do so efficiently and with passion. I’m sure the senate is not down trying to silence Senator Kamala Harris, but we already know she can’t be stopped. It’s unfortunate her qualities are viewed as a threat, but we’re pretty sure she will continue to press forward.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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