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Why Barron Trump.

June 16, 2017 by  
Filed under Ent., News, Opinion, Politics, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comEvery day the news reminds us of the double standards, and hypocrisy of the country we live in. In a world that is cruel our children should be protected at all cost. We can all agree that children are the future of any nation. It is also apparent that politics is a very ugly game that tends to have no boundaries. In many professions where parents are in the public children become expendable casualties of that parents’ enemies.

This ill treatment of children is unfortunate, and we must assume it can have a very negative effect on them. In this country not only have black people had to watch their children die, but children have been present when parents were violently threatened, attacked or even murdered. Do we care about the millions of children in America that are hungry, homeless, and subjected to dangerous foster care systems? Do these children matter? Are they not also a part of the future? We must come face to face with the fact that we live in a country that does not protect children, and this society decides which few they will shelter.

Kathy Griffin will forever be attached to she skit holding the likeness of the head of a decapitated president. She lost her job, and was ridiculed for the image. It was deemed as disrespectful, heinous and insensitive as the president’s son Barron Trump was frightened. Melanie Trump even spoke out against the image, and its effect on her child. As a mother, I’m sure many of us would defend the sanctity of our children. Many rebuked Kathy Griffin, but some could not do so without wondering why lynching the likeness of the previous president did not create equal outrage.

The Obama girls grew up in the White House…was not their feeling important. One must question why Barron Trump. What makes this child so special that he is untouchable while the former first children had to endure the same fears. The media attacked their parents, the likeness of their father was killed often, and the racial slurs flowed like water. Through it all they were expected to be the picture of poised while living in the White House. There was no separate private residence that would shield them from the world at the tax payers expense. The double standards, and hypocrisy, make it very hard to simply say Kathy Griffin is wrong. Ted Nugent didn’t pay for his threatening words against the previous president, he was invited to the White House by the current.

There are so many children in this country that are mistreated, offended, and frightened but there is no outrage for them. This current administration is trying to have congress pass legislation that will not be in the best interest of children. Our hearts go out to Barron Trump regarding the fear feels for his father. However, when will his father care about the wellbeing of the millions of children in this country that are not his son. we must be vigilant over the innocence of our own kids, and others in our community, because this administration only seems to care for one. It is not okay that we have not heard much from the current First Lady regarding the welfare of American children…only her concern for her boy.

We must understand the messages that are being sent regarding our future. It can’t even be said that so many were outraged because it’s the president’s son…remember no one cared for the fear of Malia & Sasha Obama. Kathy Griffin posed with the head of a white male president, and in turn harmed the peace of his white male son. Therefore, Barron Trump stands out above the other children of this country. If you are upset with Kathy Griffin for what her actions mean as far as the disrespect of the office of the president, or the message it could send internationally that is justified. If your only reason is the feeling and fear of Baron Trump, but you don’t speak out in protest on behalf of other children that are just as afraid an nowhere near as protected you are aiding the hypocrisy and double standard of this nation.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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