Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Mother’s Joy Thank You for Choosing Me.

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( During this mother’s day I found myself reflecting on the joys, ups and downs of motherhood. Mother’s Day is a day when all of us that have played a role in raising a child are acknowledged.

The role of those moms may be mothers that have given birth, aunts, Godmothers, sisters and cousins that have raised, loved, cared for andMother and son looking at smart phone nurtured someone. On this very popular holiday Mother’s Day, women receive gifts for being wonderful moms.

Sadly some mother’s can be ungrateful if they don’t get that diamond tennis bracelet they’ve had their eyes on. Then some mothers are filled and overflowing with joy if they receive a simply card scribbled with their five year olds’ writing and their handprint.

I enjoy gifts as much as anyone else, but I began to think how blessed I am to be a mother. As corny as this might sound I feel that my 13 year old son is gift enough. I say this because I can remember a time when I longed for the tiny patter of little feet in my home.

I smile knowing that I have been blessed with a wonderful man child that now stands over me and who feels that he is my protector. I smile as I remember him as a chubby, little baby.

So I want to thank him for choosing me as his mom. Thank you for the greatest gift of all.  You!

Editor-at-Large; Eleanie Campbell
For more from this sista you can visit her at The Phoenix Unleashed and Simply Black Love


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