Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Let Them Have the WAS.

I salute you for not being your past…aka your WAS.

Re-discovering My Faith.

Acknowledging one’s need to spend time studying the Word for one’s self, seeking God’s face, having a renewed prayer time, and a refreshing praise can literally safe our life. As I reflect on those elders further, I am reminded of the lessons about seeking God.  There can be light in darkness and live in the midst of death. There is a stillness and peace in the presence of the creator that I must re-discover for myself, and right now there is no shortage of time.

Ignoring the World is Not Trusting God.

March 26, 2020 by  
Filed under Christian Talk, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

The thing is it is very easy for faith to be used as a mask for fear. It’s okay to acknowledge fears and concerns then bring them to God in prayer. When we are honest we will find the strength to stand wholly in faith. In that honestly you can look at the problems ahead, do your part to help mitigate such, and trust God to do what you can’t. In that position there is power, and peace.

Don’t Silence My Challenges.

We should be able to pray for our village regardless of circumstance and lift them up in their times of need. This is what we need from others, so reciprocity is necessary. I’ve taken the stance, don’t silence my challenges. Whereas I was once silent about it I speak to the matter now, and I’m sensitive not to commit that transgression against anyone else. How we treat people has a hand in how our life flows. One can’t sow disregard and ugly while expecting to real goodness, support and wealth.

Spiritual Strife Can Kill a Relationship.

In both situations this closeness builds trust and is a great part of a strong foundation. The opposite of this picture causes hurt, and scars because the foundation is faulty. This manner of strife is felt in every aspect of your relationship. If you are fortunate enough to see signs of spiritual strife before committing or marrying it would be wise to re-evaluate the nature of that relationship. You may find that things are not as compatible as they seem.

Are We Fair With God?

December 12, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Talk, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

we can get a better understanding of the expectation of God as he is that parent in our relationship with him. I would never tell someone what decision they need to make for their spiritual self. However, I will say my spiritual life, and its manifestation in my reality, became more apparent as I took the time to actually have a relationship with God that was not one sided. Consider the treatment you deserve from others and ask yourself if you are fair with God. If the answer is no…take comfort in knowing he’s not angry with you; he’s just waiting to have a real relationship with you.

I Went Back to Church for Order.

I’ve been able to stay in the same place for more than three months, my health issues still exist but I see improvement, my outlook on life is clearer, and I have a peaceful disposition. I’ve decided to leave the past in God’s hands and move on. There is decency and order in my life again, and church help get me to this place. I understand why it was a center point for our people…it helped us work through pain. The healing always began with decency and order.

Fighting God is Dangerous.

October 2, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Talk, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Like any good parent he’s not going to do that. Reconsider fighting with God; look to know him, and understand the truth of your situation. You will find he’s given you the power to do so much more than you realized. In so many instances you have the choices necessary to change the situation.

Can We Handle God’s Answer.

September 16, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Talk, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

It’s important to remember God is not us…he’s not human. We can’t deal with him in the manner we deal with people because we could never be on his level.  Disappointment, discouragement, and plain tired is understandable and we are entitled to our feelings. Just make sure you are ready for God’s answer before questioning him as the sole purpose for every delay, and issue in your life.

Poetry that will “Touch the Heart” with Michelle’ Pierre.

August 29, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Talk, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

She also allows the reader, through her poetry, to see aspects of her walk with God, and what she is learning along the way. Touch the Heart is a gem that can be referred to when you need to a pick me up, and a reminder to remember who God is no matter what you face. We look forward to the many upcoming projects Michelle’ Pierre has in the works. Touch the Heart can be purchased on Amazon, and anywhere books are sold.

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