(ThySistas.com) As a New Orleanian I approached this “Blood Debts” by Terry J Benton-Walker with an anticipated caution. I was immediately excited to see a fantasy fiction that didn’t necessary read as fantasy much to me, and it was centered around Black people by a Black author. Most of the books I had been reading were by Black women so there was another aspect of excitement to this read for me as I immediately wanted to like Terry J Benton-Walker’s book. Back to the apprehension, it was rooted in where I’m from and how spiritual and societal culture in New Orleans for Black people can be at times ill written and upsetting for a native. I was thoroughly overjoyed that this book didn’t disappoint me at all, as a matter of fact it warranted a second read and had me waiting for the sequel.

“When terrible things happen to us, we must choose how to move forward in the aftermath; but it’s not always clear which paths are the “right” ones, because morality is almost always gray. Countless people of color have had and continue to have to find a way to push forward in the wake of blatant and consistent denial of our right to exist in peace and equality.”
Spiritual culture in the book was not overused, nor out of place. It didn’t overshadow the story, though it is deeply involved in the plot it is woven in as a part of a strong culture. Black family, and society is at the very heart of this book. How relationships respond to betrayal, disrespect, lies, deceit, and the stealing of one’s rights. The reader is immediately drawn to the main characters, and it is easy to identify with them. Many of us will see our family members through the characters and relate to the different challenges and pain they encounter. You will find yourself deeply hating some, cheering for others, and having to give grace in spaced you don’t want to.
“The blessing was an easy ritual, only requiring blessed water and a sincere prayer to the ancestors under the light of the moon.”
The author masterfully crafted this story and how the systemic racism of white people is a constant battle and threat to black culture and community. In this the story felt very personal to me as this battle in New Orleans continues even to this day. We are constantly in a fight for our culture and city, and in that fight far too many times our families are deeply damaged. This is woven through the narrative well.
“A person’s worth is not tied to their ability to conceive, nor are they obliged to pop out children to serve the patriarchy. Lenora Savant is undeniably on of the Black people Harriet Tubman would’ve shot.”
This book was an emotional ride that will leave the reader ready for book two, without making them feel too much was unresolved. We got enough closure to be satisfied. I laughed, cried, was angry, and felt the need to cuss at times right along with the character. I highly recommend this story for book clubs, community conversations through narrative, and purely for enjoyment. I can’t wait to read the sequel.
“I smile despite myself, but it fades fast. “I still can’t believe all this mess started thirty years ago because a white lady couldn’t deal with someone telling her no.”
“Blood Debts” can be found at your local bookstore, Amazon, and anywhere books are sold.
Staff Writer; Christian Starr
May connect with this sister over at Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/christian.pierre.9809 and also Twitter; http://twitter.com/MrzZeta.
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