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Ignoring the World is Not Trusting God.

March 26, 2020 by  
Filed under Christian Talk, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( Standing on God’s Word can be a peace that allows one to breath is difficult times. One’s faith can help calm fear and anxiety because belief in a higher power means nothing is merely left in the hands of the humans on this earth. Let’s be honest, for those that do believe in a higher power, we don’t want to think of what would happen if humans sat in God’s position. Every day we can turn on the news and see a lack of humanity in this world. It is not something that is limited to the United States…that’s just the reality we know best. When one begins to take their faith serious, and make life changes, it is very easy to start living in a bubble whereby every situation is reduced to “God’s Got It”. That’s not a bad position, but there are always things that we are supposed to do. We’ve all heard “faith without work is dead”, but if we shut out the world how can we apply the work?

As we face the coronavirus, and all that comes with it there are those that take the position they are trusting God so they don’t have to give concern to the situation. They might not pay attention to the news going on to be informed about how serious matters around them have become. Furthermore, those that know what’s going on may feel they are immune to the measured put in place by authority because they are “covered”, and “God got them”.

The problem with this train of thought is faith is not a reason to ignore the world around you. God calls us to have wisdom, and also to obey the laws of the land. Acknowledging there are serious things going on around you does not mean you are not trusting God. Acknowledging that the coronavirus is a reality right now does not mean you are not trusting God.

It is important to trust God and wash your hands, stay at home if you can, care you your neighbors by doing as government officials suggest. Wisdom is key. Trusting God doesn’t mean we are immune to sickness…or death. We must do our part in our community. Trusting God without blinders can allow us to be a light for those that may not have strong faith, or that are overrun with fear. It t allows us to pray four ourselves, and what we see happening around us. No one that is serious about the faith will negate the need for prayer. How are we to pray while ignoring the world?

The thing is it is very easy for faith to be used as a mask for fear. It’s okay to acknowledge fears and concerns then bring them to God in prayer. When we are honest we will find the strength to stand wholly in faith. In that honestly you can look at the problems ahead, do your part to help mitigate such, and trust God to do what you can’t. In that position there is power, and peace.

Staff Writer; Adonicka Michele

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