(ThySistas.com) In our support community there is a need to feel loved, supported, encouraged, and uplifted. No one wants to feel misunderstood or attacked when they are in a low space. Though compassion is always appreciated sometimes we need people to love us enough to tell us the truth about where ...

(ThySistas.com) A vital part of raising responsible children is to instill boundaries. They need to know what is, and is not, acceptable behavior in different situations. Teaching boundaries can also show our children how to be caring and selfless. As a mother it is easy to get into the mode of ...

(ThySistas.com) There is power in your spirit. You have the right to decide what belief system you will choose to govern the order of your spirit. Regardless of what you choose it is important to own everything that is strong in your spirit. You are a black woman and there is ...

(ThySistas.com) Anxiety disorder is real, and there are millions of people living with it. Some are managing medically, and there are many that have no diagnosis but have all the symptoms. It is important that we have understanding and compassion for our sisters struggling with anxiety. Some of them live every ...

(ThySistas.com) I admit to you I have never been anti-guns. I understand they can serve a purpose for personal protection and should be handled with the care they require. There is always a fierce battle in this country about gun laws, and the right to bear arms. Though owning a gun ...

(ThySistas.com) When we find something that works in our hair care regimen there is excitement. Hair tends to have a mind of its own, and it is our job to find out what it will need to grow. Every head of hair doesn’t accept the same products, nor styling. Though we ...

(ThySistas.com) Very rarely is the end of a relationship solely one persons fault. It can be difficult to look at your mate, when angry, and admit you had a hand in the destruction of your relationship. Far to often if you didn’t cheat nor lie you are innocent, and more importantly ...

(ThySistas.com) When great things happen in your life you expect to be celebrated by those that loves you, and the sisters that call you friend. Its understandable that life has challenges, but you would hate to think your people won’t celebrate the engagement, new house/car, new baby, or the job promotion ...

(ThySistas.com) So many sisters are waiting for God to “show up and show out” in their life. They anticipate his arrival in their career, finances, and of course for a mate. There is the idea that if one simply prays hard enough that God will stretch his hands, and everything that ...

(ThySistas.com) When it comes to protein, it doesn’t just do your body good. Protein is an important element for your hair as well. Yes, your tresses naturally is or has protein (Keratin), but with all the factors that it’s up against – climate, heat, chemicals, etc. – it becomes necessary to ...