(ThySistas.com) Life is full of challenges. Some can be permanently life altering, while others are a matter of perseverance. Either way it is very hard to feel your dreams are being sidelined when it seems like everyone one around you is moving forward with the things you want in life. In ...

(ThySistas.com) As women at some point we have all thought about what we deserve, and fought against treatment from friend, loved ones and significant others we didn’t earn. The one person we never hold accountable for treatment is self. Too many of us focus on who will love, adore, admire, exalt, ...

(ThySistas.com) Us managers never embrace employee sickness. That’s because we usually have to pick up the work which sick team members can’t complete. Adding these extra tasks onto a manager’s already busy day is a sure way to a meltdown. And, the risks of that only increase the longer sickness lasts. ...

(ThySistas.com) Expensive makeovers may be popular, but they are not the only way to find a “New You” in 2019.  Would you believe you can improve your appearance without putting a dent in your wallet? Below are five affordable options to consider: Upgrade Your Smile Your smile should brighten up your ...

(ThySistas.com) Everyone is entitled to their feelings; this is true. With that in mind we as ladies have to ask ourselves, do we believe this is true for others outside of self. Having feelings doesn’t give one the right to abuse others or disregard the actual feelings of others. When feelings ...

(ThySistas.com) The last time I checked in with you I was 17 weeks pregnant, finally coming into a sense of peace after a very rocky start, and I was mentally preparing myself to see the fetal maternal specialist due to having been labeled high risk. It is amazing to see all ...

(ThySistas.com) Do you want to know the key to a successful business? Your staff and their morale. Every company becomes a failure or success based on who works there, makes all the decisions, and does all the work. Keep your staff morale high, and your business thrives. Sink it to the ...

(ThySistas.com) It’s every entrepreneurs dream to eventually own a business that runs without them. That way, you get all of the profit (and satisfaction of setting up something from scratch) but without piles and piles of work on your desk to get through every day. But to do this, you need ...

(ThySistas.com) Are you off to a slow start this year, accomplishing big goals?  You can accomplish these small goals in less than six months.  Sometimes, accomplishing the smallest goals produce great outcomes.  Here are 10 small goals that you can accomplish in 2019: Start a career journal or career vision board.  ...

(ThySistas.com) Many of us grew up being taught that happiness was based on our feelings, or circumstances. Society seemed to beat into us that we had to earn happiness. Everyone is not entitled to happiness, and if we reach for it happiness would disappear. How dare you smile when all hell ...