Keeping Employees Happy- Without a Raise!

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(ThySistas.comIt’s every entrepreneurs dream to eventually own a business that runs without them. That way, you get all of the profit (and satisfaction of setting up something from scratch) but without piles and piles of work on your desk to get through every day. But to do this, you need employees- reliable and hardworking individuals that are good at their job, and able to make decisions without having to run every little thing by you. Keeping employees is important, having experience in your business is always going to be beneficial as they’ll have years of knowledge of how things work, and the ability to train up new staff members. But what can you do to keep them happy, and prevent them from getting wandering eyes towards other companies?

Pay them fairly in the first place

If you pay minimum wage, you can expect minimum effort. Of course, there are cases when minimum wage is suitable. For entry level positions for example, employees with no experience who you plan on training up. However, for more experienced candidates you should pay a fair wage. This will prevent them for looking for a new job as their wages aren’t up to scratch. You could also provide employee benefits such as dental and medical plans to make them feel secure in their job.

Be open and listen

Sometimes it’s the simple things that are easy to overlook. Just the act of listening to your employees can be really beneficial- all of us need to be heard and that’s true when we’re at work too. If for example any workplace bullying, harassment or fraud is taking place, being the kind of boss that your employees feel comfortable talking to can flag up problems quickly. If you end up tied up in any kind of legal issues like this, check out something like Ogletree Deakins Headquarters or another employment solicitors to get the best advice. You will always need to maintain professional boundaries with your staff, but you don’t want to come across like an unapproachable robot. Research shows that being an overly strict boss doesn’t make employees work harder. It actually just leads to more stress, which in can negatively affect productivity.

Upgrade your office

Your office at the heart of your business, and a well thought out space benefits your staff, adding to mood and in turn, productivity. Think about the layout, place desks close to windows to maximise the natural light, this will allow them to feel happier and more energised. Give them good quality equipment to use- desks and chairs, computers, printers and more. This enables them to do their job quickly and efficiently. A good quality workspace will keep your staff both happy and healthy.

Staff Writer; Lisa Adams