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Working Wonders – Secrets for Maintaining High Morale in the Workplace.

February 11, 2019 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comDo you want to know the key to a successful business? Your staff and their morale. Every company becomes a failure or success based on who works there, makes all the decisions, and does all the work. Keep your staff morale high, and your business thrives. Sink it to the ground, and watch as your company goes with it. If you’re struggling to strike a healthy balance between company success and staff morale, then we’ll let you in on a few secrets.

Surprise Gifts

Most employees only expect two things when they go to work: to do their job and to get paid for it. What they don’t usually expect are corporate gifts offered their way, but the gesture will raise morale with more success than you would think. By treating your team to gifts occasionally, such as a visa prepaid card, you are helping them to feel like you appreciate them. What’s more, you can include your business branding on the presents, so you achieve brand recognition at the same time.

Encourage Work-Life Balance

Studies have shown that workers with flexible employment options had better mental and physical health, slept better, and had less stress? When your workers are happy, your business thrives. Where possible, encourage a healthy work-life balance. Let parents finish start earlier and finish earlier to spend more time with their families. Let moms and dads take the day off to see their child’s football game. If you want high morale, you need to understand that a work-life balance means more to people than a higher paycheck.

Team Building Exercises

Did you know that how your workers communicate with each other can make all the difference to your bottom line? The benefits of team building activities, as a result, are unparalleled. Even if you include only a couple of outings every year, you can see a remarkable change in how your staff interacts with each other. They get to talk about things other than work, build relationships, trust, and have fun at the same time.

Open the Lines of Communication

If you sit up in your corporate office and only communicate with department leaders, you are not likely to notice staff morale in your workplace. After all, you won’t understand what’s going on in your firm, and only get titbits of information from the managers beneath you. If you want your staff’s morale to be through the roof while getting a range of other benefits at the same time, then ensure you are accessible. Let your workers know that anyone from any department can knock on your door and talk to you about problems they have

Be Trusting

If you are a business manager, you probably feel a lot of passion for what you do and have. Let your team feel that same sense of pride by letting them treat your business as if it’s their own. Be trusting and give staff members responsibilities. You not only get to see them take ownership of their work but help to lead your business in the right direction. All it takes is a bit of trust.

Maintaining high morale in the workplace is more straightforward than you think. Having happy, healthy, and productive staff can take your business in new directions, and only takes a little bit of effort on your part. Encourage work-life balance, treat them from time to time, and open the lines of communication with trust thrown their way too. You will end up with a valuable team of workers who stay with your company for years to come.

Staff Writer; Laura Brown

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