(ThySistas.com) As women many of us tend to put the needs of others above that of ourselves. So much energy, and effort, is put into others we find ourselves depleted and at times depressed. The truth is we must take responsibility for our wellness as individuals. You cannot give another soul ...

(ThySistas.com) There is so much division among women right now. Many of us don’t feel safe, and feel as though our existence is marginalized. Within the mist of sexism and blatant misogyny we can find refuge in forming healthy bonds with other sisters. This may be a better alternative to feminism ...

(ThySistas.com)  “It was their contempt for their own blackness that gave the first insult its teeth. They seemed to have taken all of their smoothly cultivated ignorance, their exquisitely learned self-hatred, their elaborately designed hopelessness and sucked it all up into a fiery cone of scorn that had burned for ...

(ThySistas.com) Sistahood is an amazing bond between two black women who truly know, honor, and love each other like sisters. It is saddening to think about how some black women treat one another. Why is it so hard for some black women to experience true sisterhood? Jealousy and insecurity is the ...

(ThySistas.com) What is the number one cause of death in the African American community of women? Heart disease. In 2013, heart disease accounted for 23.8% of deaths in both the non-Hispanic black populations. On the other hand, cancer accounted for 22.5% of deaths. Heart disease may be the leading cause of ...

(ThySistas.com) Stereotypes are dangerous no matter who uses them. There is a myth floating around that black women are the epitome of Angry Woman. One must actually question what makes them angrier than a white woman, or another woman of color. Why is it that behavior that is seen as thorough, ...

(ThySistas.com) As a black woman I am mad that the “Angry Black Woman” has a Wikipedia page and reads this as the opening, “The Angry Black Woman is a stereotype about black women. The Angry Black Woman is also known as the “Sapphire” or “Sassy Black Woman“. The angry black woman ...

(ThySistas.com) When we are young teachers tell us the sky is the limit in regard to what we can achieve. Then as we get older the focus is placed on marriage, and children. Family is a beautiful component to life, but we don’t have to give up our dreams. It’s very ...

(ThySistas.com) No one wants, nor should have, to live in fear and anxiety. It is torture to be on edge every day of every minute. How can one arrive at happiness when every thought is over thought, and ever action is viewed though the lenses of self-doubt? Anxiety disorder is a ...

(ThySistas.com) “Your face is fractured in four places but nothing is broken”. I laid there and had a sigh of relief that I didn’t have to go under the knife. I was always scared of hospitals. The same fear I have now of you. I couldn’t look at myself, but the ...