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Betrayal is Never an Option.

January 16, 2017 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Sista Talk, Weekly Columns

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( In life we face many challenges that tend to put us in compromising positions. However, our integrity as women is hinged on what we will or will not do without fail. For many of us 2016 was harsh, and trying. Having a set of principles in place will help you make decisions that will keep you far away from betrayal. It is widely known that it can be difficult for women to form strong communities because we tend to have problems trusting each other.

As we search for our own happiness there has to be lines that we are never willing to cross. Boundaries assist others in the ability to trust us. There is never a reason to betray those we love. This year should be one whereby we are mindful as women of our character. Yes, brothers have to do it also on their end. However, this is an area by which we can’t look at others as character and integrity are personal matters.

Women can be the greatest support group to each other when we are honest and loyal. If you have a girlfriend that you know has eyes for a particular man it is wrong to betray her confidence. Yes, you may be lonely and see the value in said man, but she trusted you with her thoughts. Too often we do this to each other and try to justify the reason, but it is wrong. We must realize when we sow this kind of ugly it always comes back in a worse way. We can’t expect life to be golden for us one day when we would betray our sister. This is a very understandable scenario, but it also applies to careers. It is not wise to betray a fellow sister by stealing her ideas and passing them off as your own. We talk about coming together but that can’t happen if we would ruin our own.

When in that beautiful relationship sometimes you will get upset with your partner. However, betrayal is never a fix. His homeboys are just that…they are not battlegrounds to test his loyalty. In doing this you yourself are disloyal. When your man pours the depths of his heart out to you if should stay locked away in your heart. That is not information for your sister, home girl, mother nor his mother. To betray his confidence is the death of a strong relationship. As with a woman, a man’s heart is the most vulnerable thing he can give. It should be handled with the utmost integrity. Don’t do to him what you know you yourself cannot handle.

When we love well betrayal is not an option. When we value those that are in our life we don’t them emotional death blows. No one is perfect and mistakes happen…such is life. But to betray or be loyal is a conscious decision that is made knowing the consequences. We should endeavor to be our best person in every situation as our name is all we truly own. Make it your goal that your character speaks volumes for you in a positive manner, so much that the thought of betraying others never crosses your mind. Your stance as a woman is only as strong as your word, and principle.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

May connect with this sister over at Facebook and also Twitter

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