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To Michelle Obama: Thank You.

January 20, 2017 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Politics, Sista Talk, Weekly Columns

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( This week marks the end of an era. The past eight years have given us a first family that is the epitome of grace, class, and power. I know that many of us are in the feels about President Obama saying farewell to the White House and trust that I am too. But along with missing him, and if I’m really being honest perhaps more, I am going to miss the baddest first lady America has ever known- Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama.

Michelle has been a leader for all women over the last two terms of her husband’s presidency. I remember seeing her the night he won in 2008 and thinking to myself, “Wow, she is amazing.” From that moment, she has proven time and time again just how wonderful she truly is. From her fashion sense to her philanthropic efforts to her entertaining and inspiring via television appearances, there will never be another. So I want to thank Mrs. Obama for giving of herself to a country that too often took for granted the royalty that has led us for the past eight years.

Thank You for being an example of black beauty. There is no denying that this woman is a powerhouse, but there is so much more that makes up Michelle Obama’s awesomeness than how she looks. She inspires women everywhere too be the best that they can be. One of my favorite quotes by her is the importance of being our most authentic selves. It’s not about competition, but about finding that which moves you and doing it to the best of your abilities.

Thank you for teaching us what it means to stand by your man. Being the wife of the most powerful man in the world is no small feat. But Michelle is a strong black woman that holds just as much respect and admiration as her husband. She complements him on every single level.

Thank you for showing us that motherhood is one of the highest callings in life. One of the things that Michelle speaks about often is her love for her girls and the importance of them having a normal as possible life. She worked very hard to achieve that for them. In doing so, she taught other career-minded women that building a family and raising your children are just as worthy goals as being a boss chick.

Thank you for remaining classy in the face of adversity. Primarily I’m talking about the racism that she and her family faced daily during their time in the White House. From people calling her a monkey and saying she looks like a man, to questioning the validity of her daughter’s acceptance to Harvard, she has carried herself with grace. Michelle has shown women everywhere how to deal with haters and gave great advice when she said, “When they go low, we go high.” And that to me sums up who she is in a nutshell.

There are so many thanks in order to Michelle Obama for all that she has done. I know that even as a civilian, she will continue to be a source of light, truth and integrity.

Staff Writer; Rasheda Abdullah

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