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Wives Need Community.

December 15, 2016 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Relationship Talk, Sista Talk, Weekly Columns

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( When a woman gets married she leaves some of the things she has known all of her life, and she embarks on a new life…literally. When we understand what marriage is for us as women we can identify what we will need. Every wife should have a space whereby she feels like a queen. However, even if you have the best husband no wife should be alone. In this day and time, we see less of the family of the husband bringing the wife into the fold of their family with full support. Some women get married and though they have a loving marriage they are left feeling alone because life has to be more than merely the spouse.

This can also feel more amplified when the wife has to move a significant distance from her family. Wives greatly need a community. They must have a space whereby they are joined with other married women of like principle that they can fellowship with on a regular basis. Some find this in the women they were in their wedding party, but often times it has to be crafted.wives-blackwomentalking-wives

A community helps a new wife acclimate to her new status. There are times whereby support is needed as some wives meet different challenges early in their marriage. Sometimes the group may be small and intimate having coffee at the same time weekly or even monthly. Within the community one can find an accountability partner that is helping reach goals that are important to the new wife. Through interactions like book club reading the women better understand each other and can vibe off each other. This collective is also very helpful when a wife becomes pregnant. She has a sense of belonging, and knows she has a group of women that will help care for her in her times of need. Again, this is an amazing asset when the pregnant mother is far away from her family, or doesn’t have much family.

This collective even tends to extend to children as these are the women that have come to be trusted. Because they are also wives with like values no one is trying to jeopardize the marriage of the other members, but instead want to see members of the community thriving in their marriage. When this concept is functioning correctly it can have a greater impact on the surrounding community as the support these women give each other can become the support they render to the surrounding community. They can become a positive example of collective sisterhood.

It is very important to be a part of a wife community that is of a like mind. As much as this concept can be an asset…it can be equally dangerous when the women involved are not like minded. Because these women would support each other as wives all parties involved must agree on the ideals regarding marriage. There has to be understanding or there will be confusion. This kind of community supports one another through all aspects…even divorce should it come to such. However, the respect amongst the women must be such that they are loyal enough to never cross each other in the area of husbands. This is very important because otherwise it destroys the entire person of a wife being a part of a community.

This kind of bond can be born out of involvement in different organizations, church or different interactions. Regardless of how the community is formed it is necessary to give wives a support group. Removing the alienated feeling for wives helps them to thrive within their marriage. A lot of resentment can be avoided, and a lot of landmines sidestepped by having a strong support system. This is one aspect that can help women be their best as women and wife while foster a strong sisterhood.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

May connect with this sister over at Facebook and also Twitter


One Response to “Wives Need Community.”
  1. Latasha Harris says:

    Sisterhood is a beautiful thing.
    We as “black women” need to continue to uplift.

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