(ThySistas.com) The NBA season is finally over. Any sports fan must admit the NBA Finals were wild, and entertaining. I admit that I am not as engaged in the NBA as I was in the 90’s…just call me nostalgic. Congratulations to the Golden State Warriors on winning the NBA Championships. Let’s ...

(ThySistas.com) Strength comes in so many forms yet hardship can test everything we ever knew. When we find ourselves hurt, or going through multiple hardships it is very easy to lose focus of self. In an effort to maintain our face we create a custom mask that allows us to deal ...

(ThySistas.com) Dads are special, and to be cherished. In their unique strength, they play a very large role in molding us to be who we are. When dad is there for his daughter he is the first man she will ever love, and her first protector. When toys, gadgets and life ...

(ThySistas.com) Every day the news reminds us of the double standards, and hypocrisy of the country we live in. In a world that is cruel our children should be protected at all cost. We can all agree that children are the future of any nation. It is also apparent that politics ...

(ThySistas.com) It is a beautiful thing when mothers dote on their daughters, and spend time helping them develop their femininity. Learning how to enjoy a nice pedicure and manicure as a young age helps to set the standard for self-care for young girls. The concerning trend is that mothers are trying ...

(ThySistas.com) We are often told anger is a natural emotion, and it’s okay to let it wash over you when appropriate. Unfortunately, as a black woman anger is an emotion that tends to brand is as illogical, irrational and unreasonable no matter how warranted the anger may be. Yes it’s a ...

(ThySistas.com) Sisters it is a fact that brothers have a hand in the state of our community. We know that some of them need to step up, and be fathers to their children. Yes, we have brothers that need to deal with their internal battles so that they are not taking ...

(ThySistas.com) Ladies we must rally to support our writers and publications. It was so disheartening to know that Ebony Magazine has decided not to pay their writers. It’s also sad that they didn’t move on the accusations of non-payment until they heard it from a white writer. Ebony is no longer ...

(ThySistas.com) On Sunday mornings, the churches are filled with black women. We are considered the backbone of the church. We put energy into church attendance as apart of spiritual priority, and even out of tradition, and we bring our children. We must be mindful that our church is meeting our spiritual ...

(ThySistas.com) No one is perfect. The tapestry of our life is filled with mistakes, and choices we wish we can change. There are a lot of sisters walking around with smiles on their faces, and hearts that are as heavy as bricks. So many have experienced pain, hardship, and trauma. It ...