Monday, September 16, 2024

Yes, Women Love Football.

June 20, 2017 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Sports, Weekly Columns

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( The NBA season is finally over. Any sports fan must admit the NBA Finals were wild, and entertaining. I admit that I am not as engaged in the NBA as I was in the 90’s…just call me nostalgic. Congratulations to the Golden State Warriors on winning the NBA Championships. Let’s not get into the fight about LeBron’s legacy, nor if Kevin Durant helped to create a super team. Instead, let’s focus on the joyous fact that in about 80 days football will be back! There is a fleeting misconception that women don’t really watch football, and if they do they don’t truly understand the game. The truth is there are more women actively taking interest in football than ever before. It’s no longer a sport that only men engaged in on a knowledgeable level.

Husbands and fathers are passing the knowledge of the game to their wives and daughters. Women aren’t merely enjoying the view,

though I’m sure some do, but they are fully engaged in the sport. We are seeing a rise in women that play on fantasy football leagues, and are excelling in the league due to understanding of the game. Women are attending footballs games from the high school level to the NFL, and are loving the beauty of the game. We have favorite teams, and players. The NFL draft had our attention, and we know our players. Some of us were upset when our favorite college players didn’t go where we’d hope…while others of us were upset, or excited, about our teams’ performance in the draft. Yes, women love football and for many of us we are serious fans. Women have begun to create their groups, and have sisterhood outings that include “where are we watching the game”.

There are so many lessons that we can learn from the game of football. Some of us were given an analogy of how to press forward against all odds via the game of football. Many of us have drawn that “Any Given Sunday” speech kind of encouragement to fight “for every inch”. That is the beauty of the game. The team must function, and the productivity of one is based on the efficiency of others. Many women appreciate the lessons and apply them to their strength understanding.

This rise in women loving football has received a lot of positive feedback from men, and it settles the fight of the TV. However, this applies in part to women that genuinely enjoy the game as they can watch with the same intensity as their male counterpart. When everyone in the house love the sport, men don’t have to fight for the TV on Saturday, Sunday, Monday Night, nor Thursday Night. There is a void when football season ends that basketball, and other sports, can’t fill. Once the NBA Finals end the countdown begins to one of the best sports ever.

Ladies what team are you representing? Feel free to comment back and tell us how you’re feeling about your team, and what the game of football means to you. Let me just say I am WHO DAT NATION (New Orleans Saints) for life. I’ve been a Saints fan all my life, and so is my husband….so we have a peaceful home. It’s almost time for football!!

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

May connect with this sister over at Facebook and also Twitter

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