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Entrepreneurship 101: 6 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Business From Home.

October 29, 2020 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( Actualizing your business idea is a crucial decision to make. You can fulfill your dream of becoming an entrepreneur in various ways, like starting a business from home. Juggling between work and family requires a delicate balance. The following are things you should know before commencing to ensure your home-based business is viable and successful.


Know the size of your business before you start and ways of expanding it in the future. Pick a specialty by determining the products or services you will be providing, which will help you stand out in a saturated market. It will also help you plan your marketing strategies, deal with competition, and understand other aspects of the business to reach your goals.

Space to carry out your activities

Before you start your business, you need to know the activities you will be carrying out. Create enough space to accommodate equipment, even though it is a small office. Ensure your area is quiet and comfortable to allow you to work smoothly. Also, consider how creating space in your house will affect your family members; if your business requires large storage spaces, you can consider constructing an outdoor space.

Compliance with state laws

All businesses follow laws set by the state, county, and city to govern all their activities, including businesses carried out from home. Ensure that your business complies with all these laws by understanding the state and local requirements. You can seek information from your local and state economic and business development department.

Some of these requirements include registration, observing specific operational and safety guidelines, and licensing. Home-based food business will have more regulations put in place because it deals with consumable products.


A business requires capital to start. Although starting a business from home saves you money that you would have otherwise spent on leasing commercial property, it still requires funds. Starting capital will cover licensing, production and office equipment, inventory, service fees for experts like lawyers, and insurance. Before you quit your job to start a business, you need to understand your finances and consider how much saving you need; the Pigly.Com savings calculator will make your work easier.

Business strategy

Come up with a business plan to help you strategize on how to start your business. A strategy will assist you in determining certain operational specifics and the company structure. Decide on the structure of the business you’re going to start, whether a limited company, partnership, or sole proprietor. It will impact your responsibilities like tax payments and how to deal with profits and losses.


Before you start a business from home, ensure that it is viable by researching the available market and competition. If you’re taking a loan and using up your savings to buy equipment and offer products/services, then you need to ensure that you make a profit. Although you might not make enough or any profit within the first few months, ensure that your business is viable to prevent it from collapsing.

Bottom Line

Starting a business can change your life. If you decide to start a business from home, ensure you carry out enough research before starting. You should know whether it’s viable, compliant, how much capital you need, scope, amount of space, and your business strategy.

Staff Writer; Susan Love

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