Friday, July 26, 2024

Dear Dad on Father’s Day.

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( Dads are special, and to be cherished. In their unique strength, they play a very large role in molding us to be who we are. When dad is there for his daughter he is the first man she will ever love, and her first protector. When toys, gadgets and life appeared to be broken we could take them to our father, and they would know how to put everything back together again. As we celebrate Father’s Day we celebrate the men that have defended us, taught us, loved us…and became our council. On their day fathers are reminded of just how much they are not appreciated, and some of us take this special day and use it to attack fathers… not realizing the hypocrisy of the behavior as men don’t do it on Mother’s Day.

There are so many father’s that sacrifice for their children and family on a daily basis. They don’t do it for accolade nor applause, but purely because they love well. There are men that are raising children alone, and raising children that are biologically not theirs…but they love well and this deserves celebration.

Some of us, myself included, will face Father’s Day with heavy hearts, and teary smiles as we remember our Father. We remember the man that turned our world right side up when it seemed completely upside down. We miss everything that our Father meant to us, and now we must live in memory of all the lessons taught, and rely on that reservoir of love they have deposited into our heart over the years.

Dear Dad,

I remember all the hugs you gave me to assure me I was safe and protected. Thank you for setting my standard of expectation in a man, and myself. You encouraged, and empowered me to be strong in mind and spirit. I appreciate that you never sugar coated life, and you always allowed me to speak freely about my feelings. You made sure I knew how to analyze any given situation, and think ahead. Because of you I can change a tire, check the oil, enjoy a football game, and man a grill. The wisdom you have sowed into my life is without measure. Thank you for loving my mother openly…in doing this you showed me what a man’s devotion to his wife looked like.

Thank you for making sure I could defend myself mentally, and physically. You didn’t shelter me due to my gender, and though I thought you were too hard on me when I was younger I thank you for being such. You and my mother saw to my balance in strength. Thank you for being my coach and encourager. You taught me life while watching football, and I will continue to move the chains no matter how hard the drive. This is my first Father’s Day without you, and there are no words for the loss. You were more than a dad…you were my dear friend. Your passing turned my world upside down, and yet I still look to you to set it right. In the eyes of a daughter…daddies don’t fall.

They continue to guide you from the next life. I thank you for being a man of your word, head of our house, a faithful husband to my mother, and a father to me and my siblings. I carry you in my heart, and spirit so my head is unbowed. I can’t let you down, and I know you are watching me, loving me and guiding me still. Daddy I love you and that’s always. I thank God for blessing me to be your daughter, and I honor you.

Love Always,

Your Daughter

This Father’s Day we honor all the men in our life, and community that are the cornerstone of protection and strength for us. We remember every dad that has gone on, and we cherish them in our hearts and mind. Fathers are special people, and they make help make life beautiful and safe. May we always acknowledge, and appreciate these men.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

May connect with this sister over at Facebook and also Twitter

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