(ThySistas.com) While 2017 was not the best year for us all when it came to love lives, while many found their soulmate others are still on the prowl of finding their own hearts desires. The first step to finding any love or being able to effectively love someone you must first ...
(ThySistas.com) Being that we just entered the year of 2018, I think it would be healthy to try new things and even meet new people. I know it is not that easy to get out of your comfort zone when you are used to doing things a certain way. Have you ...
(ThySistas.com) When you are the strong part of a relationship its very easy for others to down play your pain and suffering. When you are not the one to lament openly you may find it seems your life tragedies are benched for what feels like the trivial issues of a toxic ...
(ThySistas.com) Family can be a beautiful thing. They celebrate our triumphs, and comfort us in tragedy. It is indeed special when family can come together, be on one accord, and help each other in this crazy thing we call life. Having multiple children, siblings, is a wonderful blessing. As a parent ...
(ThySistas.com) We are wise, intelligent, nurturing, and full of love. One thing we are not it always right. This may come as a very hard pill to swallow, but sometimes out men allow us to think we are right to avoid conflict. Pride, and ego, allows one to think they have ...
(ThySistas.com) For some people, first dates are exciting and fun. Who doesn’t love meeting new people, right? I am one of those folks who loved meeting a guy and getting to know him better to see if there was something there. It was a rush. Naturally, there are those who aren’t ...
(ThySistas.com) Many of us do not care how angry a man gets, he has absolutely no right to disrespect us. He has no right to go off on us in a demeaning way. This is verbal abuse, and it ought not be tolerated under any circumstance. It is important that both ...
(ThySistas.com) We’re living in a world that is ever in flux. Close your eyes for a minute, and something will have changed when you open them again! This is due, in part, to technology, which is changing just about everything about modern life, from our homes to how we work and ...
(ThySistas.com) No one has the right to hurt you, and put your person in jeopardy. No one has the right to terrorize you. None of us should have to live life in fear of being raped, and assaulted. Those of us that have survived sexual assault understand it is a nightmare ...
(ThySistas.com) Some arguments have been going on for years, and you can see it’s not about to change. It’s time to move into a season whereby you choose you, and they mean abandoning your past. Granted there may be things in that past that are affecting your outlook on life, and ...
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