Friday, July 26, 2024

First Dates: How to Avoid the Socially Awkward Moments.

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( For some people, first dates are exciting and fun. Who doesn’t love meeting new people, right? I am one of those folks who loved meeting a guy and getting to know him better to see if there was something there. It was a rush. Naturally, there are those who aren’t great on first dates. In fact, they like the idea of possibly coming in contact with their soul mate, but the whole process is just too overwhelming. I get it. Not everyone can think quickly on his or her feet. But don’t let the fact that you may be nervous or fear the unknown stop you from making a lasting impression that will, sure enough, lead to a next date or more.

Being socially awkward is a real thing and a lot of times, it is something that people default to because they don’t know what to say. And social awkwardness on a first date is all the more nail-biting.

Nonetheless, you don’t have to fall into that hole on a first date. Here are some socially awkward things not to do when you meet someone for the first time.

Watch What You Say

One of the worst things you can do on a date is joke about awkward things, like an “escape call.” Asking your date if the phone call or text they just received is their way out can make things awkward. Also, don’t bring up things that are universally hard to talk about in any setting, whether romantically or just hanging with friends. It can change the whole tone of the date.

Don’t Force Conversation

It is okay to realize on a date that things are not going to work out. That’s what the date is for. With that, don’t force conversation. Things should come easily to the both of you to speak about. You can always tell when a discussion is brought up for the purposes of passing time. If you are not okay with silence and feel that you have to bring something up, then make it light and fun, like movies or favorite destinations.

Try Not to Be Controlling

This may not seem like a socially awkward behavior but needing to control the situation or every aspect of your time together can be awkward. It can change the pace of the date and just make it really feel like you’re doing work. It should be easy. Relax and let things flow. You don’t have to have your hands in everything.

Give the Person a Chance

You cannot go on a date already thinking the worst of the other person. Don’t sabotage your date by making up stories in your mind like wondering if they are dating someone else, or if they like you. Usually, that kind of thinking produces awkward actions, which can make a date become uncomfortable very quickly. Just be yourself and be in the moment.

Dating is fun. You just need to know some tips on how to make your experience a success.

Staff Writer; Rasheda Abdullah

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