(ThySistas.com) Black women are known for their strength and resilience. It is a wonderful part of our character. We find a way to be there for our family, friends, and community. There is usually a sister that tends to be the calm in the midst of a storm. She stands out ...
(ThySistas.com) As summer approaches there is a push to hit the gym, detox the body, and adjust the diet. This sounds awesome when thinking about health, however one of the purposes for the change is the summer body craze. This is the time when sisters think about the maxi dresses, swim ...
(ThySistas.com) In the age of social media, people are comparing themselves to who they see living what seems to be a beautifully and perfect life in their timeline. What is often not shown as we scroll on our timelines are the imperfections of others or ourselves. It’s easier to post the ...
(ThySistas.com) Most successful people begin their days at 5am (even on the weekends). No matter what your lifestyle entails, you can create a healthy morning routine that benefits your health and enhances your productivity daily. Instead of spending that extra time you have before your day starts scrolling through social media, ...
(ThySistas.com) Life can be a season of busy, craziness, hurt and drama. There are times when we feel so much is being thrown at us that we don’t have the time to breathe and collect ourselves. Regardless of relationship status, or children, too many sistahs are battling with stress. They are battling ...
(ThySistas.com) I am not a heathen I promise you. I believe in God, know he’s real and yet I may not make it to church every Sunday. Why do you attend is the question of the day? Some of us sisters can say we don’t like missing church because we receive ...
(ThySistas.com) Ladies, have you ever just popped you some popcorn or grabbed your favorite movie snacks and just chilled at home on a Friday or Saturday night? If not, you are definitely missing out. There are so many “Girls night in” type of movies and sitcoms to binge watch on Netflix. ...
(ThySistas.com) Girl trips are fun and can be a great way to travel without the concerns of traveling alone. It can be a time of great memories, and new adventures. Many of us have seen movies that encourage this method of comradery amongst sisters. In addition to the fun of traveling ...
(ThySistas.com) Pick your head up, it is literally going to be okay. Their lost not yours and thank God things ended before you walked down that aisle and spent thousands of dollars on a huge wedding. I know you may can’t see it now, but you’ll be back to dating and ...
(ThySistas.com) No matter what you tell yourself or others, every relationship will involve money. Having honest conversations about money upfront will save the stress and drama of relationships ending badly due to money issues. Studies have shown that in years 1-3 of marriage, couples have arguments about money. If you are ...
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