(ThySistas.com) While some were setting New Year’s resolutions and preparing to have a dynamic start to a new decade some were just barely standing when the year started. The struggled continued as nothing changed by the date on the calendar. There were people that brought in the year battling illness, ...

(ThySistas.com) Buying a wig is a significant investment that’s well worth it. Not only can you achieve hairstyles that your natural hair might not be able to, but it protects your natural hair from damage. As a result, you get to rock the style you want without exposing your precious ...

(ThySistas.com) The beauty of principle, work ethic, and the lessons attached to a legacy is it can cross gender barriers. Just because the lesson comes from a man doesn’t men it’s earmarked for boys and men. The loss of Kobe Bryant is deeply felt by women as well as men ...

(ThySistas.com) Fear is debilitating; it can make you feel paralyzed in a way that prevents forward movement. This feeling can manifest itself in just about any space. Some of us fear moving on from a relationship, experiencing a new relationship, failing in an endeavor, traveling to a new place, confronting ...

(ThySistas.com) I consider myself a non-conventional Christian, but a believer non the less. In that walk I truly believe how we treat one another is an important part of living. We are all here to be a blessing to one another. Unfortunately, too many of us are defined by what ...

(ThySistas.com) There will come a time, hopefully soon, where we as women can sit down and discuss things that we see other women do to children that is not okay. We need to be able to call each other out of toxic behavior, and words/actions that could scream pedophilia. If ...

(ThySistas.com) It is a sad fact that most cyberattacks target small businesses. This is because they often don’t have the same amount of protection in place that you will likely find at a larger corporation. Just because your business is smaller, doesn’t mean that the information you have is any ...

(ThySistas.com) Whether you’re an entrepreneur, parents, student, or a combination of all three and more, there is always a desire to find more hours in the day for you to get everything that you need done, well, done. It feels like no matter how hard you try, you always struggle ...

(ThySistas.com) It’s important for every department to feel as if they have their own unique culture. It’s foolish to suggest that those that come from an artistic design background should approach their work the same way as the financial professionals do in your business. It’s imperative that you continue to ...

(ThySistas.com) If we work in a corporate job or a job that is high pressure, we may find ourselves dealing with anxiety and other health issues. Picture the scenario. You are at work at your job, your IT systems are not cooperating after a recent minor cyber attack and your ...