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The Things All Your Departments Need To Work Closer Together.

February 20, 2020 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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( It’s important for every department to feel as if they have their own unique culture. It’s foolish to suggest that those that come from an artistic design background should approach their work the same way as the financial professionals do in your business. It’s imperative that you continue to work on new ways of establishing better collaborative communications, while at the same time, maintaining a distinct culture. However, all departments will want different equipment. The number one area which your business needs to continually develop is cross-departmental technology and software. These are some of the things that every department needs to make this into reality. 

Your internal line

As small businesses realize that it’s better to have mobile employees than sit in their office at all times, business communications are being upgraded across the world. A unified approach to your internal line of communications, i.e. the type of service provided as such, is the cheapest most effective way to increase cross-departmental communication. You could save up to $1,200 as you only need one central phone with a line attached. The rest will operate from the cloud system. This works for both desk phones and smartphones. This allows you to communicate on what is effectively your own line. Only those in your business will have direct access, meaning a business smartphone policy is a viable option.

A set of task managers

Half of the number of tasks your business needs to complete will be domestic to each department. The other half will be cross-departmental. It’s possible to share the same software for both types but it’s recommended you buy two different types as to not get confused or have your eggs in one software basket. A mixture of Monday and Airtable is a good idea. The latter is a cloud-based software that has task-scheduling, file sharing as well as task commenting. The company offers an enterprise pricing solution but it’s usually sold at $24 a month which is very affordable for small business owners. Monday has perhaps the best interface on the market, using a lot of visuals to clearly show who is working on what, how far the task has progressed and whether a manager needs to take a look at a problem.

Weekly open-air meetings

It’s 2020, why should meetings happen behind closed doors? For some reasons maybe, but having open-air collaborative meetings to show how all department managers are listening to each other is very uplifting to employee morale. Every week, your managers should get together and sit in the middle of the office. They share a table and talk about their concerns and progress made in the tasks they have been set. An employee looking on will be happy to know that cross-departmental meetings occur among management and that issues are resolved every week. Everyone is reading from the same page and there are no hidden disagreements.

In the modern age of business, a business phone policy is such an important revolution. You also need a set of task management software so departments don’t lose their culture. 

Staff Writer; Shelia Moore

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