Tuesday, March 26, 2024

No Kids on Purpose.

January 15, 2020 by  
Filed under Education, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

There are many factors that you may not be privy to to elaborate on why the stork has not dropped anything on their doorstep…and may never do so.  For some,  physical ailments keep them from reproduction. For others, time and making a living keep them from bringing forth a new generation. Whatever the reason may be, do not allow it to keep you from treating parents or non-parents with any less respect.

You Don’t Need Permission to Parent Your Child.

January 15, 2020 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Relationship Talk, Weekly Columns

You are teaching them how to govern themselves properly in various different settings that is appropriate for the society we live in. Never allow someone to make you feel you need to meet their standard for parenting when they are not as invested in your baby as you are…no one will ever fight for your child the way you will. No, you aren’t perfect but do your best to parent in the best interest of your child unapologetically.

We Can Disagree Without Hatred.

January 15, 2020 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

We must give the equality we seek and respect everyone’s right to love freely. We can lose allies when we force who we are onto someone else. I haven’t been back to the library honestly because I don’t want to cross her path. It’s a shame we make people to feel this way. Infringing on another’s right to love will never secure your rights.

There’s Levels to Your Peace of Mind.

Yes, your brain is on the grind.  It is sending messages faster than Apollo to all of Zeus’ offspring.  That does not mean, however, that you can not find time to be the best you can for you.  Finding your peace of mind will help you to be a great person physically, mentally, and emotionally.  It may not be popular, but most great things are not.  That is perfectly fine because it is your peace.

Some of the Benefits of Starting a Business, Beyond Money.

January 10, 2020 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet (ThySistas.com) When you think about the various benefits of being an entrepreneur, there is virtually a 100% chance that the first images that pop into your mind will have to do with wealth and material comfort. The phrase “successful entrepreneur” naturally seems to summon up images of people in well-tailored suits, driving Rolls-Royces and […]

3 Ways A House Move Can Benefit Your Health.

Tweet (ThySistas.com) Okay, so we know that moving home can be stressful. We know that for a while at least, you might not be the healthiest person you have ever been when dealing with the pressures of house and apartment hunting, managing your finances, and packing your boxes.  However, when the moving process is over, […]

Use the Front Door.

January 10, 2020 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Politics, Weekly Columns

Yes, black people should call the police if they see too much suspicious behavior in the streets and stay inside. Well, the one neighbor that answered the door was assaulted and robbed. The situation was so upsetting as I knew the neighbor very well and they were severely hurt. This began my stance of use the front door. If I can’t see, I’m not opening my door. I realized nowhere is so safe that I can let my guard down. Given the season, and just in general, have folks come to your front door. Please do all that you can to stay vigilant and safe. The world needs your light.

Get Involved in the Process.

January 10, 2020 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Politics, Weekly Columns

Voting is very important, but we need to put the same push behind getting involved on various levels as we do going to the polls. We know what our people, and community need. Black women have shown that they are a force for change, and we must get that done in elected positions if we want to see more change happen at a faster more efficient pace.

2020 Can be Different if you Do Something Different.

January 10, 2020 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

We’ve all heard that insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly expecting the results to be different. To have a dynamic 2020 you must stop playing denial games with self. The thing is there are people in your life that you genuinely rooting for you to win. They love you and are in your corner…they many have also tried to say some of the same things only to be ignored or verbally attacked. They had their allegiance to you questioned because they were loyal enough to you to tell you the truth.

5 Ways To Automate Your Business Processes.

January 9, 2020 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

Tweet (ThySistas.com) If you’re looking for ways to automate your business processes but you don’t know where to start then don’t worry, you have definitely come to the right place. Whether you’re looking to automate your online presence or you want to automate the way in which your products are created, you need to be […]

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