Friday, September 13, 2024

There’s Levels to Your Peace of Mind.

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( Your brain sends 18 to 640 trillion signals a second to help you function according to the AI Impacts website.  TRILLION PER SECOND. It should be no surprise that finding peace of mind is difficult when your brain is moving faster than the Klump family at an all-you-can-eat buffet.  Plus, you are a great woman. I am almost certain that you do more than just convert oxygen into carbon dioxide and sleep.  How do you find inner peace when bills need to be paid, kids need to be fed, and a job needs to be done?  You know your levels.

Think of levels like steps on that exercise machine you never want to see in the gym.  You climb…and climb…and climb just to go nowhere.  The steps to your peace of mind, however,  will get you somewhere where you will not want to hurt every single person you come in contact with.  The first step in the process of developing levels starts with admitting that you need them.

There is an image floating around in cyberspace of a woman with multiple arms. Each arm is doing something different: ironing, cleaning, tabulating, comforting, etc.  I am almost positive that if this woman could speak she would say “How in the hell did I get to this point?!”  The answer to this question would not be one she would enjoy or like. She probably received so many arms due to her inability to say a simple word: NO.  Peace of mind starts with knowing you need and clearly admitting it even when it hurts.  You have to come to terms with the fact that there is too much going on for even you to handle properly.  After you speak truth to yourself, you get to the messy part: creating your levels.

One subject I have noticed in my 10 years of teaching that educators abhor dealing with is the revising part of writing.  Teaching kids to write? Easy peasy. Teaching kids to edit?  No problem. Teaching kids to revise? Eh….yeah.  It is not the most liked part of the writing process because it is messy.  You have to consider the writer’s message. You have to put your feelings aside. You have to suggest advice that is not right but it is not wrong. It is messy. We are so used to having a clear right or wrong answer or way to do things that we look at revising as aggravating.  BUT…it is a necessity to giving birth to amazing writings.  Creating your levels is going to suck because there is no one way to do it.  It is based on you and what you consider peace of mind.  I can not offer a specific path to your peace of mind, but you may want to think about the following questions to help you figure out what you want:

  • What helps me to breathe slower?
  • Where do I go if I do not want to worry as much?
  • Who around me helps me to be okay with me? What do they do in order to help me be okay?

These questions will help you to think about people, places, and things that help you to be at peace with yourself.  You can use that information to create a list of activities or a process to help you be calm in the midst of life’s storms.  Then come to the fun part: putting these levels into action.

Counselors and therapists of people with depression tell their patients that a great way to help deal with this disorder is to find a way to be around people that help them feel better.  It is easy for counselors and therapists to say this, but it is harder to put into action as a depressed person.  The same goes for developing levels to your peace of mind.  Putting these levels into action may make some people upset. You may not be able to be everything for everyone.  You may not be able to do everything you think you want to do.  I fully understand and empathize with you. However, you can not be anything for anyone if you are not there for yourself.  You have to create boundaries for yourself that help you to be able to enforce those levels for peace. While your mind may not be happy with it, your sanity will hug you infinitely for giving it the opportunity to breathe and reset.

Yes, your brain is on the grind.  It is sending messages faster than Apollo to all of Zeus’ offspring.  That does not mean, however, that you can not find time to be the best you can for you.  Finding your peace of mind will help you to be a great person physically, mentally, and emotionally.  It may not be popular, but most great things are not.  That is perfectly fine because it is your peace.

Staff Writer; J. W. Bella

May also follow this talented sister online over at; JWB Writes.

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