(ThySistas.com) Ladies many of us aspire to get married at some point in our life. However, sometimes we are in too much of a rush to get to the alter. Marriage can be a wonderful state, but it cannot fix hurt nor cover pain. Some of us come from family backgrounds ...

(ThySistas.com) It is fair to begin this discussion by saying everything that will be mentioned can apply to men.  The problems that stem from entering a relationship with a married person are pretty universal.  With that being said I’m a woman, and my address is to women. Many of us ...

(ThySistas.com) Ladies those of us that love well tend to love hard, and at 100% capacity.  We don’t mind giving all we have, because we know we aspire to be wives, and feel we love him.  Some women have different motives, and reasons as to why they go all in ...

(ThySistas.com) Sistahs life, as Black women in this country, has NEVER been a walk in the park.  From the slave ships to now there has always been a struggle for validation, and the acknowledgement of our humanity.  To say I am a human being, regardless of color, I am valuable, ...

(ThySistas.com) In the state of our society many of us are poised to be active participants in change.  We are aware of the methods of resistance that involve us taking a physical stand such as open protest.  However, we must never forget America is a capitalist society, and she is ...

(ThySistas.com) Every time we look up there seems to be a new trend, or word that seems to carry no importance. Lately, the petty fever has been going around. Once upon a time it was considered negative to be called petty, and no one willingly called themselves such. Ladies, what ...

(ThySistas.com) There is so much going on in our communities from economic disparity and political buffoonery to our kids literary gunning each other down while being gunned down in the streets. So many get on social media to post about current events and tragedies, and appear to be in complete ...

(ThySistas.com) We know the story black women are loud, they have attitudes, they fuss and cuss… and are angry all the time. We know the charges: black women can’t get it together, always picking the wrong men, too masculine, she the original hood rat, got all those kids by different ...

(ThySistas.com) In a world where men claim to want a submissive woman yet put down helpless women, the Alpha Female blazes the trail defining herself, her life and setting her own standards. Society attempts to limit the role of women to the house servant, the one who cleans the house, ...

(ThySistas.com) All work and no play creates a monster, and an unhealthy body. There is always a project at work, something to do with our man, and let’s not even get started with kids…that a never ending job. There is always a bed to make, laundry to do, bathrooms to ...