(ThySistas.com) There once was a time when you could only go to White Women for certain “ lewd acts or services ” and they were known for certain behavior. Now, as Black Women, we are willing to prove that we are JUST as filthy as White Women. One of the ...

(ThySistas.com) Love is both a noun and a verb. If love, the noun, is an intense feeling of deep affection, self, the noun, one’s essential being that distinguishes them from other women, and your, an adjective, meaning belonging or associated with a person, then “Love Your Self” takes new meaning. ...

(ThySistas.com) I can’t begin to count the number of stories I’ve come across within the last month that all share the same headline, “Mom’s boyfriend kills her child.” Over and over again, we see women getting involved in relationships with men who do not have their total best interest at ...

(ThySistas.com) On Friday, I went to see “Addicted” so I could write my movie review. I read the book several years ago when it first came out, and Zane became a very popular author among Black Women, so I knew we would be seeing this movie in droves. Before the movie ...

(ThySistas.com) As I stroll through blogs, articles as well as posts on social media I often find the threading trend to be ‘love’ centered. Everyone is talking about how to find love or how to keep it. Interestingly most information takes the route of telling women how to make a ...

(ThySistas.com) No you are not hearing the famous line that’s familiar to fans of the Maury Povic Show. This is regarding something that’s heard time and time again, especially within the black community. “I’m the mama and the daddy.” Now what I’m about to say may upset some women out ...

(ThySistas.com) While walking down the street a few years ago in my hometown of Chicago, I noticed a man coming towards me with a decorative wall mirror in his hands. As we approached each other, he stopped and asked, “Do you want to buy a mirror?” I replied “no” as ...

(ThySistas.com) We have all heard the saying: you are the company you keep.  I believe these words are not only true, but equally important to live by.  When I was young and my parents used to constantly remind me that I am the company I keep,  I used to think ...

(ThySistas.com) They say you should always write about what you know, your experiences and how you are living.   As a self-proclaimed writer, this is easier said than done since when I do have time to write I can hardly put two sentences together.  Well, if you did not know it ...

(ThySistas.com) During this mother’s day I found myself reflecting on the joys, ups and downs of motherhood. Mother’s Day is a day when all of us that have played a role in raising a child are acknowledged. The role of those moms may be mothers that have given birth, aunts, ...