(ThySistas.com) Let’s talk about love. We all want it, well most people, but not everyone is fortunate to find it in his or her lifetime. For black women, being single can be considered a burden. We are the most educated group of people in America but when it comes to love ...

(ThySistas.com) Every woman has a story. Many have faced similar hardships, and challenges that are vastly different. There are always stories of success, and those of failure. However, your life is your own narrative. It is very difficult to come into one’s self in a society that insists on telling each ...

(ThySistas.com) Having your own space – in any relationship – is what everyone needs. Being under each other’s feet every single day for the rest of your life is too much, regardless of how much you love them – it can get suffocating sometimes. It’s so important to have an away ...

(ThySistas.com) Honesty is the best policy when it comes to being in a successful relationship. A healthy relationship is one in which trust and open communication is at the foundation and both partners have a mutually respect the thoughts and feelings of the other. Nonetheless there are times when openly sharing ...

(ThySistas.com) The Mayo Clinic defines narcissistic personality disorder as “a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration”. Those with narcissistic personality disorder believe and feel that they are superior to others and have little regard for other people’s feelings. ...

(ThySistas.com) We all know them. Happy couples who seem to have it all together. While many times, things aren’t always what they seem, in the case of many couples, things are exactly what they seem. Since we live in a world where so many folks have learned to fake the funk ...

(ThySistas.com) Being a African-American women in today’s society definitely comes with its share of struggles but let me begin by saying I would not change the essence of who we are as magical black women for anything. Still, it is unfortunate that black women are plagued disproportionately with higher incidences or ...

(ThySistas.com) At some point, we have been broken, and our hearts were damaged beyond repair… or so we thought. How could the one person you loved deeply break you so bad? How could you possibly move on when your world revolved about that person? Your feelings were hurt, and you could ...

(ThySistas.com) It is very unfortunate that many of us have elders, sisters, and friends that we truly do not know. What we know of these women is surface knowledge at best. Time nor blood relation can teach us the women we walk among. When interacting with women it can be difficult ...

(ThySistas.com) There comes a point in a relationship where you’re both ready for the next step. You have been seeing one another for awhile. Everything is going well. The feelings of love have intensified. You realize you’re spending more time at one another’s homes. It’s pretty clear that you’re both ready ...