Friday, July 26, 2024

Your Word is Everything.

September 26, 2017 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Relationship Talk, Weekly Columns

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( So many have forgotten the magic, strength, and binding power of words. Everything is show me what you can do…be quiet and just do. We unseat our word. Now we say whatever sounds clever, and justify it with the need for action. The problem is too many of us don’t seem to understand that the words we speak every day is shaping the reality we live. The strength of our community is not just hinged on black men taking a stand. It’s also contingent on the strength of the women, wives, and mothers of said community. When we are without a word we can’t trust one another, nor can we wield positive energy that is necessary for all of us to survive. I submit to you that your word is everything, and it’s time for Black Woman Magic. The strength of our girls is resilient and beautiful…but we greatly need the Word of the Queens.

How we speak is a gauge of character and integrity. Sometimes it’s easier to say just watch me because then you are never bound to a thing because you didn’t speak it. Something deep down warns us if we open our mouth and decree a thing we must fulfil it to the degree we spoke it, or we are discredited. With that in mind sisters have silenced themselves to each other, their men and even their children.

Some of us understand the weight of words and because of it…I love you, I need you, help me, walk with me, I apologize, I will be there, I promise, Momma is here, I carry you in spirit, I am afraid, Protect Me, I am in pain, I am strong, I am Queen, or I am beautiful doesn’t come out of our mouth. We do all we can to embody the words with our actions, arms, eyes, and body…but it’s not the same. Understand order is a part of everything, and how well we govern our own life is based on how well we can set order. Words are powerful beyond measure, and they proceed our action. This order of speak then fulfill said word is necessary to understand, because it may explain the corrupted communication in one’s life.

Some of us grew up watching the elder women in our family move about talking. It seemed as though their mouth was always moving even when we couldn’t hear a word. They were praying, declaring, decreeing, uplifting, encouraging, damning…they were shaping themselves, and us with their words. Among our sister core, and with others, it’s important that our word is binding. It establishes our character amongst each other, and in our community. It’s important that our significant other, and children, know when our word goes forth it is stable and strong. No, this doesn’t mean we are perfect…it means we are growing and integrity is a part of our core.

It’s important that we speak positive energy into ourselves, each other and all that are connected to us. When we see the evil, we must stand opening our mouth condemning such, and then act on that declaration. When you are cooking…speak the love and health into the pot as you stir. Speak health, strength, goodness and wholeness into those you love. Things won’t change overnight, but your actions are now guided by the strength of your words, and you are bound to the positivity you speak. The magic isn’t just in our head, heart, and hands…it’s in our voice. Use your words to strengthen and heal yourself, your King, your family and your community. We must began to speak this power again.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

May connect with this sister over at Facebook and also Twitter

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