(ThySistas.com) October 2016 marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Black Panther Party. The Black Panther Party give some people the image of a male-centered, violent movement, powerful man wearing the Panther’s signature black beret and showing off a gun. This image has been seared into the collective conscious ...
(ThySistas.com) I was brought up believing a nasty woman was one who didn’t keep a clean body, home, mind or spirit. Nasty woman were also those that were lacking in the morality department. This has always been a negative connotation. In black community you didn’t want to be the woman that ...
(ThySistas.com) In life, everyone wants a chance to make something of his or her self. I mean we live in America, the land of opportunity. One of the ways people achieve their dreams is by starting a business. With the progressive strides our country has made, black business is one of ...
(ThySistas.com) Fall is in full swing and there is so much to look forward to. All things pumpkin spice is nice of course, but fashion trends and finds are at the top of my list as well. For the fashion forward full figured woman, it can be hard to get your ...
(ThySistas.com) As a black woman I am mad that the “Angry Black Woman” has a Wikipedia page and reads this as the opening, “The Angry Black Woman is a stereotype about black women. The Angry Black Woman is also known as the “Sapphire” or “Sassy Black Woman“. The angry black woman ...
(ThySistas.com) When we are young teachers tell us the sky is the limit in regard to what we can achieve. Then as we get older the focus is placed on marriage, and children. Family is a beautiful component to life, but we don’t have to give up our dreams. It’s very ...
(ThySistas.com) No one wants, nor should have, to live in fear and anxiety. It is torture to be on edge every day of every minute. How can one arrive at happiness when every thought is over thought, and ever action is viewed though the lenses of self-doubt? Anxiety disorder is a ...
(ThySistas.com) Sistahs I feel I must break down and be honest about what I feel is on the horizon. I won’t sit back and assume that we, as a whole, see the storm that is brewing ahead of us. This is first and foremost a gender concern, and it will bleed ...
(ThySistas.com) A Washington Post study found that nearly three-quarters of black women worry about having enough money to pay their bills. Many black women have challenges developing confidence and self-esteem when it comes to creating financial wellness. A study by Prudential Financial found that African American women are very critical of ...
(ThySistas.com) “Your face is fractured in four places but nothing is broken”. I laid there and had a sigh of relief that I didn’t have to go under the knife. I was always scared of hospitals. The same fear I have now of you. I couldn’t look at myself, but the ...
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