(ThySistas.com) One of the things that I love about fall is the fashion. I love to look good all year round and am a firm believer that size should never be a deterrent to making that happen. Some people live for summer and all the trends that hit the stores. I ...
(ThySistas.com) Let’s talk about love. We all want it, well most people, but not everyone is fortunate to find it in his or her lifetime. For black women, being single can be considered a burden. We are the most educated group of people in America but when it comes to love ...
(ThySistas.com) Every woman has a story. Many have faced similar hardships, and challenges that are vastly different. There are always stories of success, and those of failure. However, your life is your own narrative. It is very difficult to come into one’s self in a society that insists on telling each ...
(ThySistas.com) I understand entertainment, and in that mindset, everything cannot be serious. However, we must keep in mind that film, music, literature and art are all mediums that also depict life, and a certain kind of “truth”. It has already been proven that what we see, and listen to, has an ...
(ThySistas.com) Wealth – like happiness, confidence and love – starts from within. Anonymous Most of us immediately think about money when someone speaks of wealth. It somehow always goes back to how much a person does or does not have in the bank. Truly it is almost impossible to live in ...
(ThySistas.com) Honesty is the best policy when it comes to being in a successful relationship. A healthy relationship is one in which trust and open communication is at the foundation and both partners have a mutually respect the thoughts and feelings of the other. Nonetheless there are times when openly sharing ...
(ThySistas.com) Knowledge is power and in today’s world, you can learn and have anything you want. This is the great thing about living in America. Some people argue that the American dream is just that- a dream, but if you work hard enough, get connected to the right people and stay ...
(ThySistas.com) Often, we get caught up admiring and desiring the norm. We place value and worth upon ourselves based upon how many categories of normal we fit into. If we secure a degree, earn a decent living, purchase a house, get married and have children, it is assumed we are happy. ...
(ThySistas.com) Clean carpets enhance the appearance of your living space and extend the life of your carpets, but after speaking with a professional carpet cleaner, I learned there were health related reasons why we should have our carpets cleaned regularly. According to the American Lung Association, if members of your household ...
(ThySistas.com) In our modern world, everything is now accessible and a teenager can easily watch anything he or she wants, when he or she wants and this is not limited to pornography. Pornography does numerous things to a teenager, often changing his or her perspective and way of thinking, especially when ...
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