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For the Ladies: Best Business to Start.

August 26, 2017 by  
Filed under Business, News, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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( Knowledge is power and in today’s world, you can learn and have anything you want. This is the great thing about living in America. Some people argue that the American dream is just that- a dream, but if you work hard enough, get connected to the right people and stay consistent, I am a firm believer that you can have anything.

Women are in a prime position to start businesses. Because we are considered a minority, there are all kinds of grants and support options out there to help us make our dreams come true. No matter what it is, you can find monetary support for just about anything and we all know that when it comes to business, it’s all about the money. If you are tired of the 9 to5 or just want to try something new, maybe it’s a good idea to consider starting a business.

There are some great ones for women to start right now. When your passions meet action and you throw in some hard work and tenacity, great things can happen! So here is a list of businesses to consider.

Online Retail Store

Boutiques are the way to go for a lot of people. They are fairly easy to get started and if you are into fashion and like designing things, this may be right up your alley. From lingerie to clothes to shoes, women love to shop so provide them with a worthy outlet. You can find wholesalers who offer unique styles and when you put yourself out there via eBay and other selling sites, you can turn a great profit.


There are so many things that people need help with and if you have a marketable skill you can become a consultant. Consultants are usually experts in a certain area, like public relations, communications, writing, social media, etc. If you have experience in any of these areas, start your business right now.


Everyone has an opinion about something and in today’s world, blogging is all the rage. There are blogs for everything- cooking, dogs, dogs cooking. The possibilities are endless. If you know how to tell a story and know how to get your self out there via social media, this may be right for you. Now, I will admit that this one isn’t as easy to get started as the others because it requires some Internet, social media, marketing savvy. But you can easily learn how to do those things and more.

Crafts – Etsy

If you don’t know what Esty is, just know that it is an online marketplace where people are making big bucks. If you are a crafty person that knows how to make unique things like tutus, candles, or hair accessories, this is an easy, fun business to start. People are always on Etsy looking for custom items and if you have something to offer that no one else can (or at a better price), you can make a good income from your efforts.

Starting a business is a big task, but when you find something that you know you can do, it is well worth the hard work you put into building your money maker.

Staff Writer; Rasheda Abdullah

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